WOULD YOU...........................
It's a very difficult decision to make, so take your time and research everthing you can. It was hard for me - I was really afraid and I imagined the worst. I found strength and courage on line and at support groups and I made the best decision of my life. I will not say it was an easy surgery and recovery, but yes, I would do it again. I'm less than 5 months out and I no longer have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sleep apnea and the pain in my hips and back is very little. I gave myself the chance to live a better life. The changes in my looks and my smaller size is a plus, but that is not why I needed the surgery. My health was my number one concern. This surgery is not a beauty solution! I still have problems eating very much at a time and many things do not agree with me. But, it's ok, my life is no longer centered around food. I know what you are going through right now and it's not unusual at all. The girls and guys here are the best people to talk to, we have been there and know how you feel. I wish you the best and please stay in touch.
Hi Kendra! (you have the same name as my sister!
Would I do this surgery over again??? ABSOLUTLY! I do not regret it one bit. I was lucky and did not have any complications after surgery and my recovery was pretty easy. I stay away from sugar(dumped when I was a week and half out) and have only dumped one other time. It's a live and learn situation. My life no longer revolves around food, it is beginning to revolve around me and having a healthy and happy life. I was borderline diabetic, had back and joint pain, was morbidly overweight and was killing myself slowly. I am 36 years old but had the body and energy of a 90 year old. I will be six months out on April 3rd and I have lost 94 pounds so far. I have another 50 to go and can't wait!!!!
As most everyone says my only regret is that I didn't do this sooner. I know now that I wouldn't have been ready for it so the only advice I can give is that you will know when it is time. Everything happens when it is supposed to. The fears you have are normal. I had them all. I remember my last day of work, day before surgery, I was going around to people I work with and am close to telling them how much they meant to me 'just in case' something happened...and I cried when my boss hugged me. LOL If you have someone who can help you for a little while after surgery, I recommend it. I don't have kids so that wasn't a worry for me but if I had I would have needed some short-term help. Always remember though, after surgery and after recovery you are well on your way to a healthier you and will be able to care for your kids with no problem! I hope I helped....take care and keep us posted.

Hi Kendra! I was banded on 9/14/06 and would have the surgery every day if I had to. I have lost 61 pounds in 6 months. I have energy out the ying yang to run after my 2 year old. I no longer take insulin or diabetes pills and my blood pressure pills have been cut in half. I am only 36 and I feel like I'm starting my life over. I weigh about what I did when I got married 12 years ago. Gone from a 26/28 to an 18/20 so far and the 20 jeans are loose. I chose to have surgery to save my life. At 306 I could have died from obesity. If I would have died from surgery it would have been because I didn't want to die from myself.
I had my surgery in june 2005, so it's been a while. I have lost 160 lbs -- about half my body weight. I would do it again -- no question. I did not have any major complications, and actually felt soooooooo much better a few weeks after surgery than I did the week before. I wish I had it when my children were younger -- it would have been much easier taking care of them!
And the fears your are experiencing are not only common and rational, you would be foolish to NOT consider possible negative outcomes. You should discuss how common these are with your dr. I know that mine went over them with me -- including how often they happened and how likely they were to happen to me.