my appt
thanks cira just got your message. you sound great a little winded but great to hear your voice. as for smoking, i have tried to quit cold turkey but couldn't do it but i did cut down. i will be sure to talk to dvr about it. been pretty busy trying to get all my spring cleaning done. i even mowed the grass already today. i have a riding mower so it isn't to bad. the only thing is the ground isn't level so it hurts my back. also i have gained some weight over the winter months and can barely fit behind the steering wheel. but hopefully that will correct itself in time. i hope i can still ride the mower after surgery and after i have healed. i enjoy doing stuff that involves being out in the yard. love planting and taking care of flowers and things like that. well i will tell you more when i call you. love and miss you too.

Congrats on the appt., Tammy!!! I remember how excited I was at my first appt. One thing, though, DVR is pretty shy, which can sometimes be mistaken for coldness. He's not - he's a wonderful man and genuinely cares about his patients. You'll be in good hands!
Let me know if you need anything! I can't remember if you said if you'd been to an info session yet - if not, there's one tomorrow night at 6 with ME, as the guest speaker!!!
Take care and good luck!!!
tia, thank you, i will be sure to let you know if i need anything. yes i have been to an info session the first part of the month and i met dvr there but not personally. he sounds like a very good dr. if fact sherri ask if i had a perference to a dr. and i told her dvr. and i know i will be in good hands. thanks again take care and hugs to you.