Update on my follow up visit also considered the 1 month visit.
Good afternoon everyone!
I must say that DVR was happy that I am doing better but not happy that I can not tolerate the citracal calicum nasty stuff and that I got Viativ chews. He told me I need to get the liquid one at bariaticeating.com I think. I have it written on a paper and I have to order it today. He says my lower left lobe of my lung needs to expand completely (the reason why I can not lay flat and still hurts to expand my lungs) He wants me to walk more and meet with a trainer to help me get my strength build up again. He was pleased with my 20 pounds loss. He sent me for my blood work too. I got the B-12 shot too.
He was getting on me because I am not really getting in the fluids I need and he wants me to work on that more. I start my puree stage tomorrow and I am excited about that although I am not really hungry at all.
He told me that the spleen will heal on it's own and that if the pain does not go away in my belly in a week then he will send me for an ultrasound. Not much can be done but just let it resolve itself. I go back in 2 months!!
Thank you everyone who posted all those wonderful positive comments to me on my post last night. I am truly blessed to have you all in my life.
God Bless you all.
Great weight loss so far! Although we must say that you have sure earned it.
For the calcium, I am not 100% but I believe that the Viactive Calcium is from calcium CARBONATE which is not as easily absorbed by by-pass patients. Typically the calcium CITRATE is what is recommended so double check the Viactiv (for future use of course). I just discovered Citracal which has really yummy chocolate fudge calcium citrate chews. It really is like eating a piece of fudge. I had my blood work done at my 1 year checkup a couple of weeks ago. My calcium is really low and my doc is not happy. I haven't taken calcium supplements at all until now. So it is really important to take all of your vitamins and supplements. My body is taking calcium from my bones so I am really having to push the calcium and change that.
Hang in there and remember to sip, sip, sip, all day and night!
Hugs, Robin

Thank you so much Robin!!
Yes DVR told me I can use the viativ chews. Ok so where can I find the the citrcal chocolate fudge chews? U was going to order the liquid one at baritricadvantage.com but if those are good I would like to try them. Do they leave an after taste? I have such an issue with everything leaving a major aftertaste in my mouth. I hate my toothpaste and had to revert into buying the normal mint flavor colgate because that is the only one I can handle right now. Did that happen with you? Geesh I hate to act like a big old baby but geesh this is tough! lol
Wow I thought everyone had to take calcium supplements from the beginning of having surgery. DVR told me I could have kidney problems and osteosporosis if I don't take care of myself.
I am trying to sip sip sip but ughhh sometimes I get so nauseous. I can only dring room temp water and it takes me about an hour and half to drink about 8 ounces. I hope this gets better soon. I was thinking that since I have the pressure of the spleen with the hematoma pushing up in my stomach area that could be the reason why I am having so much trouble still.
I am praying I am back to normal soon so I can start enjoying the spring weather and my hubby can stop worrying about me. Poor guy has had it rough!! He is a blessing and I love him so much.
Thanks for the advice. I hope all is well with you and the family. I hope to see you soon.
That's Good that the Doctors appt. went well. Please keep me posted on those "choc. fudge calcium citrate chews" Those sound good?? I love Chocolate?? My doctor has me taking the extra strenghth tumms right now, I have to do six a day? Have not been able to do that as yet, but I would surely look foward to eating some choc. fudge cal. citrate chews?? Oh yes I would!!
& Congrats!! on your 20bls. Wow!! Take Care!! jbug.