Crofton Support Group
Just wanted to post a reminder about our meeting coming up
Monday April 2nd 6-8 p.m.
Crofton Library on Reidel Road
All are welcome- post-op, pre-op, and those thinking about it
If you werent at the last meeting we will be talking about 5 things you couldnt do before WLS and 5 things you can do after WLS. We handed out papers with those questions on it (Thanks to Margie for coming up with the idea) so if you didnt get one just write them down and bring them with you.
Hopefully this will keep us all on the same subject and not have 5 different conversations going.
Any ideas ou have for future meeting just let me know. I am open to anything. This is all our meetngs not just mine so feel free to add whatever you feel you would like to chat about. Just let me know so I know for that meeting you would like to talk.
Hope to see you all there

I'm going to try to make this meeting.
I really need it right now. I'm so off track. My boyfreind and I just bought a house and boy I have been spoiled for along time. He likes to eat all the wrong stuff. Which doesn't help me. I'm trying my hardest to be good, but it is really hard. I haven't been going to the gym either.
I can't wait to see all of you tomorrow. I hope it works out for me.
See ya then.