Hi guys, I made it!
Hi guys,
I just wanted to pop on and say hi. I am so glad to be home. Weds night was my worst night. I got a fever of almost 102* I think that just made me feel extra yucky. I'm glad to be off so much medicine. My head feels so much clearer.
The tightness in my stomach is the worst. I really still need help getting up and down from a sitting postion. I've also had a lot of low back pain. I wasn't pumped full of gas like lap rny, but still am dealing with that some. So, I walk, walk, walk. Also, no drain tube, thank goodness.
My loving hubby has been taking good care of me. He is writing down every two ounces I drink. I am on 2oz for 15 mins then a 15 min break then 2 oz. He doesn't want me to get dehydrated. He is really going crazy actually,writing down every time I take a walk, every time I do anything! lol My little nurse/record keeper. I am very lucky to have him.
I wanted to thank everyone for their plosive thoughts and well wishes. Thanks to my sister Tammie for helping me out with the board.
Congrats to David, Jeff, and Jbug. I'm glad you are made it through surgery and on the road to recovery.
Thanks again,
Welcome home. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. I can sympathize with the fever thing. I ran a fever coming out of surgery and was delirious my first night in the hospital which resulted in a LOT of screaming at Mr Mo (he was seriously concerned ...) but fortunately the fever abated and I was 'almost' normal when he came back on Tuesday a.m.
Remember . walk walk walk and sip sip sip!
Hugs, Mo