Hey Honey!!!!
Glad to see you posting!!!!
I'll try to call you this weekend, don't want to bother you though since I know you are so tired and need your rest.
Take good care of yourself, glad you have been walking and if you need anything just give me a call. I'm just a car ride away!
(((Hugs))) &

Thank you so much Heather. Today is my very first day a lone with the kids and it has been a little rough but going good. My daughter had a dr's appointment in Greenbelt at 3pm and she left like 1:45pm to hitch a ride with gino while he was on his way to work. I have no idea when she will be getting home. I already bathed and fed the kids and I am so ready to go to sleep. My son nevr took a nap today so he should be out by 8pm. I kind of like the idea of just me and the little ones here at home alone. Although I have no more energy.
I am pooped.
Girl you can call me anytime.... I always love to get a pick me up call.
I need some pain meds right now and I am going to take a shower and pray that my kids fall asleep.
Gino was asked to work a double so he will not come home until 8 am.
Hopefully my oldest will get here soon and take them downstairs so I can nap some.
Take care and talk to you soon.