Jeff is HOME - doing fine
Hi all,
I had my surgery last Fri (3/16) and I am home, and doing fine.
I am still feeling somewhat weak - but getting stronger each day. I attribute this to still getting all the anethesia out of my system. Sorry that I have not posted sooner, however, I have sorta been attempting to avoid the computer for a short while
The care in the hospital at Hopkins Bayview was great - and everything went pretty smoothly. I seem to be having ALOT of gas - and the associated cramping and such. The system seems to be "working" (there really isn't much for the bowels to process with the limited intake.
Next milestone - get these damn ichy stables (22 of them) out - Next Thursday - can't wait!
Hi Jeff and welcome home. You will feel stronger everyday. That anethesia will completly leave your system and will feel better. Just remember to walk walk walk and that will help the gas. I couldnt wait to get those staples out. Take some tylenol before you go. It doesnt hurt it just feels wierd and kinda gives you a litle headache because you kinda stiffin yourself up everytime they take on out. That and your first trip out usually does it for you. And when they take the tube out it feels wierd so the tylenol will help with that too. Glad you posted and cant wait to hear more milestones
Hey!!! Welcome back Jeff.
I am so glad everything went well for you. The folks at Bayview are good bunch and I am glad to hear they took good care of you.
Walk walk and more walk. Everytime I feel one of those gas pains coming, I get moving. Even if it is just pacing around the house.
Good luck with the staple removal. I am sure it will be nice to be rid of them.
Take care and keep us informed on your progess.
Congratulations!!! Jeff!!! Your officially on the "losers" bench now!! Take Care!! Wishing you a good recovery!! God Bless!! Peace jbug
I know what you mean about all the Gas!! lol lol!!! I'm trying to learn how to get in the protein shakes and all the vitimins?? It's been real Hard ?? Hopefully each day will get better?? I'm hoping. Amen!!