Today is March 23, a week and half, from the date when my Dr.'s Office submitted my paperwork to my Insurance company. I got approved and I surgery date. It was my destiny to get back on this website and seek help and friends for the long journey ahead of me.
I been a member since 3/05 when I first started my research on the surgery. I soon became overwhelmed with the research and found myself here. In the beginning, I was so hyped about how wide spread this surgery was. I finally agreed that it was for me, and months later I started on my new found journey.
I want to thank all of you who gave me the strength to do the research, seek and hard pray hard about it. Including people who I never thought to include, because even if you don't want people to know, you need them and one day someone going through the same thing might need you.
Thanks again guys

Thanks. I am not even nervous no more. Probably because I have been waiting, maybe when i get naked and hop on the surgery bed , then the butterflys will come, ha ha ha, but until then, I am super happy.
I am having the surgery done Laparoscopically (did I spell that right) so easier heal time and less time away from work. I am so excited still.