Just checking in .. I was at a conference all day today and I haven't put any 'thought' into a post but I didn't want to let today pass without something.
The last 3 years have flown by. Some days it seems like just yesterday and other days it seems like forever .. I was talking to a professional colleague at the conference today and I mentioned that today was 3 years and she was in total shock that it had been that long.
I go tomorrow for my 3 year check up with Dr S. I am dreading it because I know my weight is up from my 2 year check up, but I'm hoping that my body fat % is down from the work I've been doing for the last 4 months at the gym. Of course, I had to wait until I was almost 3 years out to decide it was time to START execerising .. DUH .. just think where I might be if I had started sooner
I've met some of the most amazing women (and men too) on the Maryland state board. We give each other unconditional love and support both on and off line and I am grateful for the friendships I've formed there.
I'm still not a poster child .. I may never reach my goal .. I have said many times that I am not sure that I will live any longer having had WLS but I know that I will live better!!! WLS has given me back my life and I'm going to have a blast living it!
Hugs, Mo