One Month Check-Up
Today was my one month post-op visit with Dr. DVR and the crew. I've lost 30 lbs
in my first month and from what Kathi (the nurse) advised I'm right on target
. My BMI went down from 46 to 41 and that's good and that's what they look for --the BMI to go down as well as the weight
I'm pleased and excited. Now if I could lose 30 lbs a month -- that would be AWESOME. I shall see what can be done -- I'll even settle for 20 pounds a month.
I discussed my work out regiment with Kathi and told her I was going back to working out every other day because when I work out 2 days in a row it takes me 2 days to recover. I'm just going to work the treadmills and stationary bikes to get my cardio up and to the point where I'm not light headed once I'm off the system. Hopefully this cold weather will totally go away and we can go walking after we get off work. I'm ready to