Ok, I'm ready for Spring!
Good Monday morning gang
I'm feeling perky and bright this a.m. but really really REALLY cold!!! Isn't is Spring yet???? I don't mind if it stays sort of 'cool' but this below freezing is for the penquins!!!!!!!
We had a wonderful weekend in O.C. Saturday was a beautiful day for the parade (other than it was FREEZING!!!) ... bright and sunny . I'll see if I can't post some pictures on my webshots albums maybe tonight.
Our furnace was off when we got back last night. We didn't realize it (because our house is always cool/cold****il we were going up to bed last night, so one of Mr Mo's tasks today (he's home) is to call the oil company to get a technician out to check it and get us heat again.
I did get up and brave the cold to go to the gym this morning! 35 minutes on the bike over a 'cross country' course. I like doing that course because it varies the resistance for me and I don't have to be changing things while I pedal.
Time to see what I missed on Friday so I had better get the coffee made and get to it.
Have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Mo
Good Morning Mo
I am ready for spring as well. Especially now that I feel great and want to get out and do things. I did convince my husband to sell a junker car he had sitting at work that keeps getting rearended...lol. To sell that and finish the Camaro. So hopefully by summer we will be cruisin again.
No big plans today. I was going o go to the gym but woke up not feeling to good so I think I will do it tommorow or later on If I feel better.
I need to get re-fingerprinted for my daycare stuff because mine came back smugged. I heard the CJIS in Pikesville did the Laser so they could tell right away if they were readable. So Hubby and I set off Friday morning in the nasty rain/sleet to pikesville. We arrived and there were 45 people waiting. I looked at my husband and said we will be here all day. So we turned around and left. then on our way home my Licensing Agent called me back ( I called her after the fire marshall came) and told me she needed one of my prints in order to schedule her coming out and doing the rest of the inspection (she does safety and down to he buisness and tells me how many kids I can have) So I was a little upset cause now I have to wait again. It took like 2 weeks to get them back.
So off to call the Odenton police dept to see when they do them and about new cards
Hope you have a great day and glad you had fun in O.C
Hi Kelly,
I am sorry about the delay of your inspections. Getting everything done can be a real pain. Hopefully Odenton can get things done quickly for you. That might speed things up a bit.
I am looking forward to doing more and getting outside more often this summer. Its nice to feel like I WANT to move. My husband and I were talking this weekend and he mentioned how he can tell that I feel better and have more energy. I told him its really nice to enjoy exercising and moving. Hopefully we will do a lot more things outdoors this spring/summer.
I hope you feel better later today.
Hugs, Robin
Hi Robin
Thanks, I hope that this will be the last hurdle. I cant wait till I can officially open my door for buisness. But I guess for it ot be right I have to go with the flow and do the things they need me to do. I am hoping by April It will all be done. Iread your post below also and you said how you made wrong food choices this weekend and it made you ill. I think that is why I feel bad today. I made brownies for my husband because he worked so hard last week for my fire inspection and has made alot of better food choices since m surgery that everyonce in a while I will make him cookies or Brownies. But yesterday I nibbled on them all day. I think I was just in a funk and couldnt get out of it. My 3rd niece was born so of course after seing her I was in my I want a baby so bad funk and then the finger print thing put me in a funk that I nibbled all day yesterday on those brownies. Well I made hubby take them to work today so there out of the house forever. Now I am back on track. I am so happy for you about your plastics. I know I see the skin sagging already and know that one day it will come off and will make such an impact on my self image. I know you will do great threw the surgery and we will be rootin you on. Hope ou have a great day
Me too!!! Warmer weather can't get here fast enough for me. I am tired of being cold and seeing the temp be 28 when I leave for work.
Had a nice weekend. Didn't do much. I ate the wrong things Friday and Saturday so I had an upset tummy quite a bit. But I know it was my fault. I made chocolate chip cookies and I just couldn't resist them. If I eat more than one, which I did, they make me ill. I did't get as much accomplished as I would have liked this weekend but I did relax.
Hubby's b-day is tomorrow so I went yesterday and bought his gifts. I got him a sport coat and some new shirts/ties for work. He needs the clothes since he has to wear a suit to work everyday now. I also bought a new pair of jeans. The first since before surgery. They fit really nice. They are lower in the waist so they don't swallow me there. They are a size 16 but I don't mind too much. It can be very frustrating to be wearing a 16 jeans and a 12 top! But I think they look good and they feel good.
It looks like I am postponing my plastics until July. I don't qualify for full Short Term Disability until I have been here one year. So I am going to wait two more months so that I don't put us in a bind financially. We just don't have the finances for me to lose 40% of my pay for 3 weeks or more. I am okay with it. Gives me more time to get this last 20 lbs off. Which won't happen if I keep chocolate chip cookies around. LOL
I entered my chili in a chili cook off contest at our church on Saturday. I won 3rd place. I am quite pleased about it. I got a cute little purple hippo and a little bunny that blows kisses. We had a great time tasting all the chilis.
Well, I need to go get breakfast. I am glad that OC was nice for you. I really need to go there this year.
Hugs, Robin