Sunday from OC
Good morning everyone !
I stayed awake last night long enough to read Kelly's posts but couldn't wait til the connection could catch up to post a reply, so I thought I would try this a.m. when I had a little more patience (the joy of using a cell phone for a 14.4 connection .. )
I am so happy to see that Cira is doing so much better! Keep thinking those positive thoughts for her and she'll be back up and running in no time.
Ocean City has been COLD but absolutely fun. We are staying at the Bayside Princess and Finnegans (in the hotel) is the 'official' Irish bar for the parade, etc. We got away about 1:30 on Friday afternoon, so other than miserable rain we beat most of the traffic. We had friends who didn't leave until after work who were really tied up in traffic at the bridge.
Wendy and I got up early yesterday and bundled up and walked to 28th street and back ( 40 blocks ). We did make a stop on the way back at Mickey D's for coffee. The commercials for Mickey D's coffee are RIGHT .. it is good coffee now .. I remember when it was horrid stuff!
The parade was fun. I took LOTS of pictures (would you expect anything less of me .. ). After the parade hung out with friends for the afternoon, went to Nick Idoni's (???) for dinner, then back to the hotel (after a stop at the Green Turtle for me to get a St Patrick's day t-shirt ), had an after dinner drink at Finnegan's and I was back to the room by 9 .. TOTALLY exhausted. The beds here leave a lot to be desired and I really haven't slept well these two nights but I'll be home in my own bed tonight and all should be fiine.
Have a safe and fun Sunday! See y'all when I get home.
Hugs, Mo
Hi Wanda
Just wait and see you will be walking 40 blocks and not even think twice about it !!! I was on such a roll that if it hadn't been so cold we probably would have walked even farther. I kept telling Wendy that we could just walk to the Inlet and then call Mr Mo to come get us.
Hugs, Mo
P.S. Thinking the best thoughts for you for Tuesday!
Good Morning Mo
Glad your having fn in O.C. There's nothing like your own bed though. What a great walk on the Boardwalk. When we went we took a little walk and I was so happy not to have my back hurting after a few minutes. Glad you will have a clear ride home today. Thats mess on Friday was horrible. Well enjoy the rest of your time in O.C and have a great day
Hey Kelly
Oh, I don't miss the back hurting thing a bit! I never walked anywhere because I'd have to keep stopping to let my back/hip rest.
The ride home was uneventful (I slept!!!) but no traffic concerns either because we were back over the bay bridge in 2 hours.
We went to see Wild Hogs with Jeff & Wendy before we left OC. OMG, I thought I was going to fall out of my seat laughing!
Hugs, Mo