Flowers for Cira
I thought it would be nice gesture for anyone who wants to, to pitch in for a flower arrangement for Cira. I know it's setting a precedent, and we don't normally do this, but she's been through so much!
I thought we'd wait until after she came home to send them, because sometimes there's not a bunch of room in those hospital rooms.
No pressure, but if anyone's interested, pm me. I have an account with a florist, and like I said, I'll wait till she gets home, so there's time if anyone wants to mail me $$$!
BTW, if anyone would like to contribute to the "Tia's Turning 40 Club and We Feel Sorry For Her," checks and cash are happily accepted for that, too!!!

OMG Tia you are not about to turn 40. I dont believe it. I thought you were turning 21 girl. I want to see some ID the next time I see You do know that 40 is the new 30 so you really wont be 40 till your 50. Ok that sounded bad now I pushing you up 10 years. I'll pitch in for some flowers for Cira.
tia, i don't have much funds but i would be happy to send you a check for 10.00 dollars if that would help. btw i am practically snowed in where i live. there is about 6 to 7 inches of snow out there. and doesn't plan on stopping until around midnight tonight. how about you guys. please if anyone sees cira tell you i am thinking of her and please send her my love.