Back from seeing CIRA!!!
Hi everyone! Heather Mod-e and I got back from visiting Cira about 9pm. We were both expecting Cira to look worse than she does. Her color was very good and she was in good spirits trying to laugh at our jokes, but you can tell that she is obviously in a great deal of pain despite her pain meds. She's also pretty nauseated too. I saw someone else posted about her spleen being surrounded by a hematoma. DVR said they'll have to take this one day at a time. Cira said that Gina is a rock for her, but has inside sources who have said that when he isn't around her that he is breaking down and so worried for her so please include Gino in your prayers for Cira. He feels guilty for letting her have the surgery and he shouldn't be. We all know Cira, she would have found a way to make him let her have it regardless! Oh, we got to see the horrible bruise up close and personal. It is awful looking. Well, that's all the news I have to post. Cira sends her love and thanks for all of our well wishes and prayers!
Hey girlie -
Thanks soooo much for calling me and inviting me to join you and your evil twin to visit Cira. As you know, I was in non-Mom mode, and in the middle of dinner (yet another story), so I'm sorry I couldn't go. Although like I told Moie, I'm not quite sure that Cira would've been up to handling the three of us!!!
Did you eat at GBMC? That reminds me of a story - when B was born there, we went to the cafeteria, and my brother got cole slaw. When I asked him how it was, he said, "Pretty good!", but it looked kind of foamy, so I smelled it, and it was BAD!!! Like spoiled BAD!!! I said, "Moron, it's foamy - why on earth would you eat foamy coleslaw!" So now, whenever there's coleslaw, he asks if it's foamy!!!
Just sharin'.....
I'm glad Cira's on the road to recovery, I'll probably call her today. I KNOW she's in good hands with DVR. Did she ever actually say if she knows what caused it? Poor Gino, I bet he's driving himself nuts!! And I bet the babies are helping him, too!!
Thanks again. If you go this weekend, give me a call on my cell, maybe I can 'scape for a little while!!
Hey there!
I PMd ya a little bit ago. That's funny about the cole slaw! LOL Cira's spleen was nicked and that caused all this mess. Poor thing. It was good to see her and I am going back on Saturday with Kelly Wheeler...want me to grab you? Let me know. Didn't eat at GBMC, Heather gave me some of her AWESOME chili that she had made so I ate when I got home. Gimme a holla later if you have a chance!