FriPay Eve
Good morning Marylanders
I know our first thoughts this morning are on Cira, but it sounds like DVR has that in hand and she's going to be just fine but it will take some time. The power of positive thinking will pull her through!
Today is my Friday (of sorts) AND tomorrow is not only Friday but PAYDAY .. making it Fripay!!!! Tomorrow I'll be in for a while, then leave about 9:15 for a meeting at the EOC. When I get done at the EOC .. I'm gone for the WEEKEND
.. (can ya tell I'm excited about going to O.C ???) The weather is not supposed to be great, but heck the beach is great ANY time ..
I was soooo confused this morning .. I woke up about 2:15 .. I don't know WHAT I was thinking but I actually got up at 2:30 and turned on the light as if it was 4:30 a.m. and time to get ready for the gym. Mr Mo was awake . and said .. Mo it's 2:30 a.m. WHAT are you doing ???? What a mess I am
Then of course when it WAS 4:30 I didn't want to get up and go .. but off I went to the gym and did 2 rounds on the circuit and a 3rd round on a few of the pieces.
Have a wonderful Thursday !
Hugs, Mo

Goodness, Mo - 2:30, 4:30!! Either is wayyyyyy too early!!! Mr. Mo must've thought you'd finally gone round the bend!!!!
So what time are ya picking me up? Since I didn't go to Hawaii, I figure OC should be my consolation prize!!
Yep, who cares about the weather. Tia's other motto, besides, "LIFE'S SHORT, EAT DESSERT FIRST," is "A BAD DAY AT THE BEACH IS BETTER THAN A GOOD DAY AT WORK!!"
BTW, how's my cat-nephew? Eating? Didja call the vet?
You have a good day, too!!!! I'll be sure to keep you posted about Cira!
Hey Moie -
Forgot to tell you my Starbucks story:
The other day, I was going through the drive-thru and talking to Gary on my cell - I ordered a "Venti, non-fat, 10 pump sugar-free vanilla latte, no whip," and after I got back on the phone, Gary said, "What language are you speaking? I did not understand a word you just said!" He's soooo naive - I try to teach him Starbucklian, but he's not a coffee drinker, so he just WOULDN'T get it!!!!
Good morning!!
I don't blame you about being excited to go to OC. I can't wait until we get there is summer!! We'll probably only do day trips on the weekends or a few weekend camp trips, but it's still the beach!!
I was at the Holy Cross support group last night and the guest speaker was a nutionist who was talking about several of her bariatric patients who are getting vitamin A and D deficient and about how important it is to make sure we take all of our vitamins was a good reminder to keep it up....
I'm off tomorrow....I work a 9/80 work week so I get every other Friday off, but lately I've been coming to work, but not tomorrow. I'm going to a friends house and doing srapbooking!! I used to sell Creative Memories, but decided to quit right before my surgery hoping I would be too busy to sell it!!! So now, I'm just a customer!! I need to finish my Christmas present to my Grandparents...I know, it's really late!!
I had a little wow moment yesterday....I was looking down at my hands while typing and noticed that I have bones in my hands!! It was pretty funny to see them moving while typing!! Also, my carpal tunnel glove actually fits now instead of being too tight!!
Time to get back to work....have a great FriPay!!