Happy Wednesday!
Morning all -
I've been sooooo busy this week, I've had some time to read, but not to post. So since this a.m. seems a little less nuts, here goes!
Hope everyone's doing well:
Mo - Got your message on Friday, I WAS in Annapolis, but was actually busy down there for a change. MSP's been in the news, but not in a good way, so you can imagine how it's been. You exercise fiend, you!!! So what time are you picking me up for OC? St. Pat's in OC has to be a blast!! Is Lefty going? Hope you have a great time!!!
Cira - Yikes!! Those pics are nasty girl!!! Glad you got the JP out - truly a pain, I know. I developed a reaction to the Heparin in the hospital, too - no fun! I know you'll be up and about soon!!!
Kylie's Heather - Glad that scale keeps on moving!! Lip!!!
Terry's due back from Hawaii on Sunday, 3/18. Lucky girl! I told her to get McMom a t-shirt that says, "I got lei'd in Hawaii!!!" Wouldn't that be hilarious!!! I BET McSweetie is gonna meet her at the airport with flowers!!! Tia knows these things!!! I had a dream the other night that he proposed!!! Me and my dreams!!!!
Heather Mode - Lip to Eric!!!
David's surgery is tomorrow, so I guess he's prepping today. David, if you're there - don't be too nervous, it's gonna be great!! Update us when you feel up to it!! Good luck!!
I was asked to be DVR's guest speaker on 3/28 - hmmm, wonder if they know what they're in for!!! Actually, they do, since I've done it before - so I'm doubly surprised that they asked me back!!!!
Well, I guess that's it for now. Everything's okey-dokey with me - busy with KB, tomorrow is her Jump Rope for Heart event, so I'm leaving work early to go watch.
Have a great day!! Protein, water, repeat!!!
(((( Tia ))))
I was getting ready to call out the search dogs for you! (as well as get a complex that you didn't call me back on Friday
We are actually leaving sort of 'early' on Friday. Mr Mo isn't working at all and I have a meeting at the EOC til noon-ish, then I'm gone for the day. We are actually leaving the little fat guy home alone for a few days. I get nervous doing that, but the Princess Bayside is not kitty-friendly. He's been off his feed a bit lately (since the vet told us to cut back on his meds to once a day ...) and I need to call the vet and talk to her about that. He's not NOT eating, but he's not eating all his food or even MOST of it.
We have a crowd going to OC, so it will be like going on on Saturday night.... but for the WHOLE weekend! I'm hoping it's a blast and that I haven't built up expectations about it that will cause disappointment.
We are running out of Fridays! I'm going to be gone this week, and next (the 23rd). If you are down here the 30th we have to make a date for sure!
Hugs, Mo

Search dogs? Don't you mean search CAT? Poor Lefty - give him Auntie Tia's phone number so he can call, since his MOTHER will be busy. He'll be fine - he may not want his regular food, but you can bet that once you're out the door on Friday, he'll be dipping into the mouse-flavored ice cream and Cat Nip Doritos!!!!!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE OC - in fact, although it's a little too late this year, I'd love for all us losers to have a get-together weekend there next year, before or after the summer season. I just LOVE OC no matter what time of year!!!
As far as Fridays, no one has said for sure yet, but I MAY be there after session. We'll see!! But I think we're there on the 30th!! I'll let you know. This past Friday, I didn't leave until 2:45, and didn't get through the northbound Harbor Tunnel until 4:10!!! Arrgh!!!!
Have a beachin' time!!!! Eat one (just one) Thrasher's for me!!!
I'm going to put your # in Lefty's cell phone on speed dial
He can call Auntie Tia and whine for a change .. oh .. no .. he whines ALL the time .. but you will be a new audience for him
Seriously though, I am concerned about his lack of interest in food ... at his age it could be a sign of something not good.
I love O.C. as well. We had an ocean front condo for a number of years, and even though it was rented from Springfest to Columbus day, we still made some great use of it off-season which is my favorite time to be there.
I'll think of you if/when I see Thrashers .. but oddly enough .. fries are NOT my friends .. all the junk/crap I seem to be able to eat and fries just don't cut it for me
I do hope you are here at least some Fridays after session is over, will give us a chance to get together .. either at lunch or after work!
Hugs, Mo

I work in an office full of men, oddly enough not one is dateable, so I'm used to whining!! Theirs and mine!!!
As far as Lefty's "I don't wanna eat" attitude, maybe they changed the cat food recipe? Molly got that way for a while, and I switched food, and she still seems to prefer biscuits and table food over dry dog food. Imagine that! But yes, if you've noticed a marked difference in his habits/temperament (Lefty's, not Mr. Mo's), then I would call the vet. Of course, you know they're gonna want to do blood work, which equals big $$$$$!!! But I know you don't mind, as long as he's okay. Keep me posted about him. In all seriousness, could he be mourning Poncho?
I CANNOT believe you sold your OC condo!! Gary and I often say that that's what we'll put our inheritance toward one day, but with the way prices are skyrocketing there, I don't think we'll be able to afford a blade of dune grass!!!!
Yeah, I can't do too many fries either - I love them, but they sit like lead in me. I USED to be able to eat a whole medium size myself - now I'm lucky if I can do 6!! But I love it!!!
Well, again, have fun!!!
I was thinking about you today! Wondering how you've been and figured you were busy, busy, busy! Know the feeling! Glad things are going well and lips to Eric!!!!
Protein is good....water is not. Working on it though! I have my five month follow-up next Wednesday so we'll see what the 'offical' scale says! Mine at home says 96 pounds gone!
I did go shopping with my mom this past Saturday. We hit three thrift stores and I was able to get a number of pairs of pants, shirts, and shorts. So, I'm good for the next few months. Didn't spend a lot of money either! Gotta LOVE the Thrift Stores!!!!!! We went to the new Goodwill somewheres near Rosedale, very nice, clean and they had a lot! I recommend it! Parking wasn't great but that might have been because they had just opened.
My boss is back from vacation so things have returned to 'normal' WOOHOO FINALLY! I really don't like when she is out. My OA thinks she runs the office...cracks me up!
Awesome about being the guest speaker again!
That's really cool. Hope you are having a great and happy day!!!!!!!! Talk to you soon!

Hey girlie -
Yep, it's been busy! Like I told Mo, MSP's been in the news in a not-so-good way, so you can imagine the phone calls!!! You know the best way I found to get tha****er in, especially if you're a desk jockey? When I was drinking the 15 oz. bottles, I'd put five of them on my desk before lunch, lined up like good little soldiers, and once one was empty, I'd crack open another - same thing after lunch. That way, they're right in front of you!!! I'm much better about it during the week as opposed to the weekend.
Wow!!! 96 pounds - that's 2 B's!!!! Once I lost 115, I was like, "Wow! That's one whole Kaity!!!" Kind of puts it into perspective for you.
I'm not much into Goodwill - probably because when I was younger and stayed with my Granny, she loved to go "junkin'" as she put it. I HATED IT!! I only went so I could be with her. My Mom got that gene, but I sure didn't. So if you were in
Rosedale, were you with your twin? I love pretty close to there, so if you get up this way again, call me!!!
Yeah, me, guest speaker....two years ago, I would've worn dark clothing and sat in the back - NO WAY would I have EVER stood in front of 50 people and talked about my experiences!!! I even tell them about my LUBRICANT!!! Hey, gotta make 'em laught, right????
Have a good rest of the day!!
Take care,
Hey Tia,
Yep it does put things in perspective when you think of weightloss against another object (or little person, in this case!) I'm very proud of you for getting up infront of people and speaking about your weight loss and experiences, that takes guts and courage! It just goes to show how far you have come and you need to pat yourself on the back for that!!!
Wasn't with the twin, just my mom. Going to have to get your number so next time I'm in the area I can give you a holla!
I'm generally in the area twice a month, at least. Even if it's not for 'junkin', would be great to get together for lunch or man-hunting!
I'm going to try your trick with the water bottles and see how it goes. If it's in my face I am more likely to drink so I don't feel like a failure. Thanks for the idea!!!! Hope your day tapered off some! Talk to you soon!

Hi Tia. I hope you are doing well. Sounds like you have been busy.
Things are steady as she goes here. Same old same old. My kids lives have slowed down a little bit. They will get crazy busy again starting with Spring Break. They are both ready for time off of school. They start Spring Break the first week of April thru Easter. My sister & her family are coming to visit during that time. I am not taking the entire time off of work since I don't want to over do it with taking time off in May/June for my surgery. I call next week to get a surgery date. My only worry right now is how many people they are going to fire at Walter Reed! As long as they don't fire my surgeons, I should be okay. I truly believe they are doing what is right and I hope they are fixing the problems ASAP. It's just not right to treat veterans like that. Believe me, I know that the outpatient care can be a real B****.
I waited for 2 1/2 hours yesterday for a scheduled appt which I arrived 35 minutes early for so it was a 3 hour wait. They are making sure they are taking all active duty first regardless of appointments. I didn't mind that much because I know what is going on.
I am officially down 108.5 lbs in 12 months, tomorrow is my anniversary! I am quite pleased. I hope to lose at least another 10 before surgery. Maybe surgery will take care of the last 10.
My gift to myself for my anniversary was to get two of my rings resized (one being my wedding set). The other gift is contacts. I like them but they are bugging me today. I have an astigmatisim (sp). These are a trial pair. The left one feels like it is kinked or something today. I may take it out, rinse it off and put it back in during lunch to see if that helps.
I am an eating fiend today. Don't know what it is but I am grazing badly. I am going to the gym in a little bit. Looking forward to the abs class! I really enjoy that class because it challenges me.
Have a great day. Don't work too hard.
Hugs, Robin

Hey Robin -
Yep, been busy. Sometimes that's a good thing, keeps me from thinking/obsessing about things over which I have no control!!! I'm anal that way!!!
I'm so glad everything seems to be on track with your plastics. You have worked soooo hard to get to this point!!! Let us know as soon as you have a date!
You are sooo right about Walter Reed - we HAVE got to take care of the people who are fighting for our freedom!! I hope they get everything rectified soon.
I love my contacts, been wearing them since I was 18. I have a slight astigmatism, but nothing that needs to be corrected with contacts. I wear the disposables - I get them from Walmart - they're a lot cheaper. You're right, maybe you do need to rinse them. Often, first time wearers need to start out wearing them for just a little bit at a time, to allow the eye to get used to having a foreign object in them. Trust me, I know there's nothing worse than an uncomfortable contact lens. I've torn a couple of mine, and that feels like broken glass!! YIKES! Just be careful and rinse well!
My eating machine button seems to be turned to the off position for once!! I haven't been overdoing it, and hopefully, once my brother gets my treadmill put together, I can take my frustrations out on that!!
I'm sure your little social butterflies ARE looking forward to a break. I know KB can't wait for me to take off after Easter, because they know if I'm off, I don't make them go to daycare!!! But I may sneak in a day just for me, without telling them. But then I'll feel guilty for doing that, so who knows?
Well, have a great rest of the day!!!