Happy hump day!
Good morning
Not much to report here so far! I was awake before the clock went off at 4:30 a.m. so I guess my body is back in sync with the time
Of course, I think I was asleep before 9 p.m. last night which might explain it
Did 35 minutes on the treadmill at a 3.0/3.5 pace on an interval course. 3 mph on the flat and 3.5 on an incline of 3. It's funny that when the treadmill kicks in to the 'cool off' mode and drops the speed to 2.8 it seems SOOOO slow! Even when it would switch from 3.5 down to 3.0 it seemed slow to me.
Since we will be gone this weekend, I'm doing our corned beef dinner tonight. Started the crockpot on high when I got back from the gym then dropped it to 'low' when I left at 7:15 for work. I hope it cooks! It's not a very big piece of meat so I'm sure if it's not done by the time I get home at 5, I can just crank it up to high for an hour and it will cook.
Still getting everyone here in the office straight with their PC's and the time change. We have the PC's set for some folks to not do automatic updates (because we have had situations where the PC reboots at a very bad time) and those folks seem to be the ones that are having issues with the time. I'm thinking they are behind in updates!
Oh, Heather M .. I tried my 'new' plan for the pictures last night and it didn't work either, but I haven't given up yet. If I have time tonight I will give it another shot!
Have a wonderful day all!
Hugs, Mo

Good morning you workout queen you!!!!!
Love corned beef and cabbage with the potatoes and carrots....YUM! Can't have it but still love it!!! Can I stow away for OC?
Actually going to be full up busy this weekend! Friday I'm getting together with an old friend whom I haven't seen in over three years. He's going to be shocked!!!!!! Saturday a bunch of us are getting together to celebrate my BF's hubby's birthday which is today and Sunday I am hoping to get together with another friend of mine who hasn't seen me since a month before my surgery. She mentioned doing something like a massage at a local spa. I've never done that and sounds like a relaxing time!!!
Hopefully you'll have the office straight and back on cue soon! I know how much of a pain that can be.
I know you'll get the pictures done.
It'll be awesome when you are done with it! LOL I know it's driving you a little nuts! Have a great and happy day!!!! Talk to you soon!

Good morning all!!!
Not much going on.....just very busy as usual trying to make sure all of exports get out the door and through Customs.
I did my half mile swimming last night and it felt good to get it done....but I am seriously considering getting up early a couple times a week to swim because by the time I get home to start dinner it's after 7PM and we don't eat until 8 - 8:30 either that I have to plan better! The biggest problem is that I do like my spinning and weight liftings classes that are in the evening and don't want to give them up and they are not offered early enough in the morning for me to take....so it'll still be a late night a couple of times a week, but that's better than a late night 4 times a week.
I feel pretty lucky that we didn't have too many issues with the early time change....everything went off without a hitch in my office, but at home we've had some problems...
Time to get back to work....have a wonderful day!!

Well it's evening now but Hello Mo and everyone,
I didn't go to work today,
hubby had his physical at the VA with bloodwork etc. so I decided to go with him and enjoy the lovely warm day after he was finished. So off we left at 9:30 this morning. We got out of the VA at 12:00 and went to IHOP for lunch then to the Nascar Shop to replace my stickers to the new number 44. Then we were off to find the Thrift Store in Glen Bernie which we didn't find. We left there to Annapolis to the Eye Doctor to get my glasses that were there for repair, off to the Thrift Store in Annapolis (which I was not impressed). Off to Lane Bryant where I bought a few items (one has to go back because it's TO BIG) let me see have I ever returned something because it was to big (thinking) (thinking) NO I HAVE NOT.
Then we went to the Fashion Bug in Odenton and bought something there too. Then it was 5ish and we thought we'd try out the new diner in Crofton and Kathy said the BLT was good so what the heck. We enjoyed and then we took a nice ride home. So we shot the complete heck out of one day. Now I will relax and get ready to enjoy LOST. By the way I walked through each and every store we went to today, knees are aching a bit now, but I walked and didn't sit in the car and send hubby in. Pretty proud of myself. Everyone have a great evening, Mo you are my exercise hero
and hopefully before long I will follow in your footsteps.