Daylight Savings Time

Mo, I'm with you on getting up earlier, but I also like the extra hour of daylight at the end of the day.
I did get to the gym last night and did my half hour of spinning and it was the toughest workout that I've had since starting this class!! I was planning to swim for a little while afterwards, but when I went to change into my suit I just sat on the bench in front of my locker and said "no way"!! I'm going to go swim tonight for 30 min and try to up my half-mile swim to a little more. I add a couple of laps each time I swim and hopefully I'll get up to doing a mile in 30 min!
Have a great day everyone!!!

Mo, I have an unfair advantage with swimming....I used to be a competitive swimmer when I was a kid. I quit when I was 14 and at that time I was 4 seconds away from Olympic try-out times....hindsight is 20/20!!
I started the spinning classes because my husband likes to go bike riding during the spring and summer (unless it's way too hot!!) and I wanted to be able to go out with him this I decided to get a jump start and get my tush used to being on a bike seat and my knees in shape. Plus, I'm hoping to outbike him this year, so I'm not upping my spinning classes to twice a week....My husband is 6'5" and has a few pounds to lose, but he's just been better at me at everything since we've been together, except swimming!! This year when we went skiing, I out skiied him because I had been exercising and was used to do physical things and he was my hope is to outbike him as well!!

Good Morning Mo
This time change has beaten me up. I am so groggy in the morning. I think because of the lack of sleep I have had the past couple nights. Hubby comes home today and I am so He called this morning and he is so ready to come home. But he had agreat time at Universal even thought he got sick. There is something going around my brother was sick all weekend. So I think all the flying and time change caught up with him. But he said he still had fun. Well time to get off and start my day. I have to tackle the bathroom and the yard today and it was looking a little cloudy outside. Hopefully it will be as beautiful as yesterday. Have a great day
Hi Mo.
I am usually really dragging with the time change in the Spring but not so much this time. Maybe because I stayed home yesterday and rested, after catching Meghan's nasty cold. Anyway, I love the extra sunlight so I am quite happy about the change and the warmer weather!!! I just hope it keeps this up.
I had my 1 year check up today. The doc is quite pleased with my progress. He was at our support group meeting the other night and told me today that he didn't even recognize me when he saw me. I had a before picture with me to remind him what I looked like last year. I am officially down 108.5 lbs in one year. Not too bad!! Actually I am very happy with that. I am trying to get the last 18 off before my plastics but if I don't quite make it I won't be too disappointed.
I did manage to work out last night even though I wasn't feel 100%. I have Curves bootcamp tonight. I am not feeling too hot right now but I hope that I'll be able to go regardless.
Have a great day! OC sounds really nice. We won't be going there anytime soon with all of our kids activities. We have prom, youth convention, more Fine Arts stuff, Stephanies Spring Musical and lots of other end of year stuff happening. It'll be a busy time but I am determined to get to OC this summer. I haven't been yet!
Hugs, Robin