Got my drain tube out instead of Wednesday 3/14
OMG I was in so much pain but not in the drain area on my left side. So DVR told me to come in. I have not slep in 3 nights walking, rocking and everything else I could do to ease the pain and gas pain that came back in a vengeance! ughhhh!!
The tube was actully digging into my muscle on the left side and since I had heparin shots then that is the reason for that huge black and blue. He removed my drain tube and it made me yell it only lasted for like 1 second or 2 but I guess since I was so sore it hurt to pull it out. I told DVR he loves to inflict pain and he should wear a black mask after work. lol He laughed and said like who Zorro? I said not like those people that wear leather and wear leather. He turned red LOL but he had a good laugh and I told him I still loved him anyway.
He sent me for Stat cbc & cmp which I did right there in the same building.
I go back Friday to get my stitches out.
Today was a beautiful day but I was freezing cold. I been under two covers since we got back at 5pm. I am still cold got the chill all in my bones.
He told to lay of the narcotics because it is slowing down my bowels and I can't lay down with all the gas pain that will not move out. So I can only take liquid tylenol adult strength and since the tube is out my muscle on my belly will heal sooner.
I want to thank all my friends here that has sent me a Personal Message. I want to you to know that I read them all today but I am too exhausted to answer right now. Thank you for the beautiful words of encoragement, where would I be without you all?
I promise to respond soon.
Big hugs to you and I miss you all greatly!

Oh Cira I'm glad you got that tube out already. I know that must have been a big pain in the butt. It was a beautiful day so I bet the fresh air was nice for you. I took the dogs to the dog park and they have been passed out since we came home...LOL. Well Get lots of rest and I hope you feel better. It does get better and better everyday. We miss you and cant wait to have you back on the boards

Hi Cira,
You probably don't remember me.. I met you at the Timbuktu luncheon, but anyway
Glad to see you are doing better. Thanks for sharing... I am in the beginning stages of this procedure - waiting on the insurance approval (keep your fingers crossed). I know each day will get better and better for you. Have you noticed any of the pain subsiding since they removed the tube?
Talk to you soon,
Ya gotta love those drain tubes......
Two of the surgical residents took out one of my tubes at JHB right before i was discharged.....
I don't think anyone taught them to warn the patient that it was gonna hurt.... and boy did it.
The second one, i was more prepared for...(and it did cause me pain the whole week i had it in). But Pat took it out and i felt so much better afterwards....
Good luck in your recovery CIRA.... Hope to meet you at the end of the month...