Good Saturday Morning
Hey (((( girlie ))))
It's wonderful to see you here, but do NOT over do it. We will all be here soon as you are up and at 'em!!! I'm sorry you are not feeling up to par yet, but it will come .. I remember still being barely at the WHY the heck did I do this stage when I was only 5 days out, so you are right on course.
Take care!
Hugs, Mo
Cira Cira .
I am so glad to hear from you. I'm sorry you are still feeling yuck. But once you get that tube out it should feel alot better. I know that was my point. You can find a more beter spot to sleep with that thing gone. Good Hubby is doing a good job, I bet the little ones missed you so much. Hopefully it is nice outside today and he can take them out and give you some quite time. Dont over do it just relax and we will be waiting to hear from you when you are feeling better. I am getting ready to rip through this house with cleaning. I did our bedroom yesterday so thats one less just have to clean carpet Tuesday and clean sheets before inspector comes. But the rest of the house looks like a well feel better and call if you need anything ok?
Hugs and many of them
Cira, it's so good to see you posting! Glad to hear that your back at home with your #1 supporter - hubby! He'll take care of you the right way. Sounds as if things were not so good at the hospital. Take it easy. Let the kids help when they can, and before you know it, you'll be back to your old self. You'll be minus a few lbs, but your old self just the same.
cira, glad to see you are back on.. even for a few minutes. been thinking about you alot. sorry to hear that you had a bad experience at the hospital. also sorry to hear you are feeling crappy. i guess i can look forward to that as well. but as everyone has said, that is normal and worth it in the long run. well won't keep you up to long so i will talk to you when you feel better. welcome home take care of yourself. tammy
Kelly, Tuesday will be here before you know it. Enjoy your alone time and remember "absence makes the heart grow fonder!" Sounds as if yours could not get any fonder of your other half, but it sounded uplifting, so I wrote it. Crank up those tunes, and clean, clean, clean! Your inspection will go fine. Don't get disheartened if there's a few things you need to look into. Just jump thru the hoops and do what they say. Your going to have a great daycare real soon. I have the feeling that the 1st inspection will be the charm. You'll pass with flying colors.
I have to call Sue today to see how recuperation is going. It was her foot that was operated on. She had high hopes about it being successful and taking away the constant pain. I'm sure she'll explain it all the next time she joins us.
I'm still fighting this stupid head cold! What a bummer. Really drags you down. I know I'm on the "getting better" side now. Just still dragging a tad. I'm getting there.
Let us know how Tuesday goes.
Hi traci
Yes my mom old me that lastnight also. I just hate being home alone at night. And my dogs bark at the slightest thing and of course everytime they did I jumped up and was peeking threw the windows...LOL. But they can be good gaurd dogs if I need them to be. Especially my two little ones. Our ankle Bitters is what my husband calls them. So I made it through the first night so it's ok now. I miss him but now I'm fine and am enjoying he quite time. Got alot done yesterday in cleaning. Cleaned the kitchen top to bottom and vacuumed. No cleaning today I have a lunch date with a co-worker I used to work with at the gym. So I get to get out of he house. The inspecion is Thursday and I'm nervous but sadi to my mom lastnight that if something goes wrong I am not going to fret about it. I will just get it done and he'll have to come back. But my husband said we have nothng to worry about. We have gone threw the list a million times. But i will let you all know how it goes. I hope you feel better. It has been such a beautiful weekend tat being sick isnt fun. Tell Sue I hope she is recovering well and hope that he surgery was a successs so she as no more foot pain. Sorry for the long reply. Have a good Sunday