For the weekend lurkers
Good Saturday morning
Come out come out where ever you are! I'm home from a nice work out at the gym. I did 35 minutes on the treadmill on an 'interval' course. I can remember when I thought it was a BIG deal to do 3 mph on the treadmill, and now I'm regularly doing 3.5 and this morning was 3.5 on the incline and 3.7 on the flat!!! When it dropped to 3 on the 5 minute cool down I felt like I was CRAWLING along! Then i did 3 rounds on the circuit. I've been bumping the weights up on the circuit and I am amazing myself when I pu**** up 5 more pounds and then that becomes 'easy' (or at least easier).
I'm going to enjoy the rest of my coffee here, then hit the shower and run out to put gas in Big Blue and do some errands. Tomorrow we are headed to Fairfax for my nephew's basketball game. This is for the championship! I'm hoping they win but the important thing is that they have fun!
What's up with y'all???
Hugs, Mo

Good Morning to you. I was just telling Kelly that I am getting out to enjoy the weather. I'm getting ready to hit the showers myself, so my daughter and I can hit the mall for some shopping. My husband works on Saturdays, so I normally hang out with my Mom and daughter for the day. Wishing your nephew a big win. And great job on the excersize thing... I hope one day I can do the aerobics classes again. I actually enjoyed them.
Have a great weekend,
Good Morning!!
Great job on the exercising! I hope that after I lose a bit of weight I can handle the exercise (I have horrible arthritis, and I can't be on my feet for to long) I can't wait until it is warmer so that I can go to the pool. I was thinking of joining Curves and then as I am able adding aerobic to it. But first I have to make sure I have everything I need as far as $$ for my fills and what not. (my doctor isn't here in Md, so I have to get fills at a different doctor, which can get expensive)
My husband works both jobs on Saturdays, and I am so glad, LOL. He works two jobs, and here recently he changed his schedule so instead of working 7 days a weeek with only 3 days off (well 3 shifts, on 3 different days) to being off 1 day and 5 nights, that has totally thrown me and my schedule off. I love him dearly, but he can be worse than all 6 of mine together. I will be cleaning, and he will be right up my rear needing my attention. LOL. I just told him Thursday that he either would have to go back to work, or I was going to get another job outside of the house and he would stay at home with the kids, he got pale and said he would talk to his manager about getting his days back, LOL.
Today is just cleaning the house for me, and tomorrow studying for a test I have coming up. Classes start up again for the next 3 weekends (I am taking bonus classes to teach English as a Second Language - business version. I already have the basic certification) then I am done.
Anyway, I hope that you all have a great weekend!

Hi Mo
Good morning! I am glad youa re doing great with exercising I hope that one day I can be just like you.
I posted on Kelly's thread and I was going to post of one me but separatley but I am too exhausted I am ready to go back to bed.
Have a wonderful day. I hope your nephew has a fun game and wins tomorrow.
We posted pics on my profile last night.