Can anyone tell me ?? what is a??
An IVC filter is a filter that catches blood clots. Some surgeons require them for surgery. A friend of mine had gastric bypass and her doctor made her get one. She actually developed a blood clot and the filter probably kept her from having a major problem possibly even death. It may not be manditory but I would suggest you have one before your procedure.
An IVC filter helps catch blood clots. A co-worker told me about it yesterday. Her surgeon lost a patient due to a blood clot. The patient had no previous history of clotting so now her doctor requires the filter prior to surgery. My co-worker actually developed a blood clot so I figure her having the filter probably saved her life. My co-worker had her procedure over 2 years ago so I'm not postive you'll need to have it but I definetly would talk to your doctor about it prior to you procedure if possible.
Thank You!! so much for that info. I will call my Doctor's office tommarow, and ask if he requires it or not? I guess not because they have never metioned it?? It sounds like a really good pre-caution for surgery, and the clots and all. Thanks again, and welcome!!!! to OH. This site is the Best!!!!!!
Some doctors only require filters for patients they consider to be at-risk. My doctor mandated that all patients have an IVC filter implanted.
The procedure to place the filter is fairly simple. It is done through the groin. I was awake and given local anethesia. The hardest part was having to lay perfectly still for a few hours afterwards.
If you have some question as to whether you need one or not please contact your doctor and discuss your concerns. I would think if he/she 'required' it you would already have been told because typically it's placed a few days prior to WLS.
Best wishes for an uneventful surgery and a very speedy recovery.
Hugs, Mo