Summer July Picnic
Ok so I have ben doing some researching for our summer picnic. I have found a great place that I know everyone will love. I was going to dicuss it at tonights meeting but thought i would post it to for those who dont make it to the meetings. I am looking at Kinder Park Farm. It is a great Place for kids. They have ahuge playground. Huge playground. i said it twice because it is huge to me. They have animals Cows roosters pigs sheep some you can go into the barns and pet them. It is just a beautifal place especially if you love the country kinda feel. This will be in July. To rent a pavillion is $165.00 all day. If parking wants to be added it is an additional $145.00. Parking to get in is $5.00. I dont feel a need to pay the extra incase you say your coming and can't make it last minute we dont get stuck paying. So if you come you would just pay 5 bucks at the gate. I am also going to ask that everyone pitches in for the cost to rent the pavillion. The more people the less it will be. But if we have over 100 people we have to rent 2 pavillions. So it will have to be First familys only. What I mean is Like Robin Saxton if i could use you for example. It would be you your husband and your 2 kids. so Robin + 3. I know Tia you have KB alot so they are more then welcomed so it would be Tia + 2 (i'm not sure if you are married) (I really need to sit with you at the next outing so we can actually get to know eachother..LOL). I need to get a count of how many would be coming and your family count. Your children husbands or boyfriends or Wives. That way I can determine how many people we have. I would have to have the money within a week from submitting the application. I would do it today but job transitioning has put me on a stop spending money for a while. That and my credit card is maxed....LOL. TMI. so please message me if you are interested in joining us
The dates they had are the pavillion next to the playground are
July 21 or 28 (saturdays)
Near the playground
july 7 , 14 and 28 all saturdays
Everyone would bring a dish and this will be a invitation sent rsvp thing.
Please let me know asap. I am thinking July 21 or 28th is looking good just because alot of people go away for the 4th of july
Thanks for reading this long post
Hey Kelly -
That sounds great!! KB LOVE playgrounds!!!!! BUT, WHERE IS KINDER PARK FARM??? Since we have KB EVERY Saturday, I'd bring them and Mom. So, four for Tia!!!
Me? Married?? Surely you jest....
I'm in as long as it's not July 7-14, I'll be at the beach!!! If it's July 21, maybe I can bring a cake for B? His bday is July 23.
I'll happily pitch in and bring a dish - provided someone brings a single "dish" for me!!
Heather Mode - I think this is the type of thing Eric would LOVE!!! Don't you?????
Thanks, Kell!!!!!!!! And yes, we will get to know each other!
Hey Kelly!
Sounds like a good place! Where is it located? I'm game for either the 21st or the 28th but think the 28th might work better. I'm flexible though so I'll go with majority!!! I guess you can put me down plus 1....I may actually have one by then!! (Keeping fingers crossed!) Let me know how much $ you need from me and do you want to do the dish thing by seperating it into catagories....say people's last names beginning with A through D brings a salad type dish, E through H brings dessert, I through L brings plates, cups etc...that way we don't have 20 desserts and nothing else LOL See you tonight!

You two are sooooo bad....LOL LOL LOL. I saw yor oher post about the packets to go. That si fine everyone usually brings water wih them so if you want to bring them. Just dont stop and ge****er because you already have done it.
. well see you tonight. I know you have something you would like to talk about so you have the floor. Then margie I know has something to talk about.
see you tonight.
Oh and thanks for the other post. I am finding it really hard to take compliments. I really took it hard over this past weekend because everyone I knew from the year before didnt know I had it done and were shocked when they saw me so thats all I heard all weekend and it was hard. But felt nice to hear. Does that sound weird. Nice to hear but hard to take. I have a great pic that we took at the hotel that we took last year at the pool and we did it again this year to see the difference. Ok blah blah blah see you tonight