Happy Friday Eve!!
Hey -
First of all, I responded to Aime's post with an update about Cira, so I won't go into it again here.
Hope everyone is well. I was off yesterday with KB, and actually feel like I spent most of the day saying, "Get away from each other!!" Finally, I made them stay in separate rooms! I love 'em, but sometimes....
Gary said they could go out in the snow, so after lunch they did - of course, I kept hearing screaming and hollering - they were throwing snowballs at each other and not liking it. What did they think was going to happen??? Then, I hear B crying and screaming bloody murder. The kid next door, whom I like to call Satan's Spawn, whacked him in the face with a rake. This is the second time that B has been hit by a rake by this kid - you think he'd stay away, but noooo! I didn't see any marks, but after dinner, I noticed a tiny cut below his one eye, and a bloody scratch on the other eye lid!! Good Lord, any closer and we would've been flown to the Wilmer Eye clinic!!! I think he'll have some black eyes today!!
Once I got done with them about 8:00, I went to Target just so I could get a Starbucks and walk around a little. They have some pretty cool Easter stuff!!! And I love their dollar aisle! Who am I kidding? I just love to shop!!!
My Dad was sick to his stomach yesterday and said, "I don't know what to eat," but when I suggested soup, toast or scrambled eggs, he said, "I'm not eating that stuff, I'll just do without!!" Fine, whatever, I've got two kids to take care of, I don't need three!!! Ugh!! I don't understand - I guess he wanted a steak sub or something stupid like that!! We kind of go through this every time he's sick!! GRRRR!
So today should be quiet and I'm in Annapolis tomorrow - yay!! A day away from THE SUPER!!!!
Hope everyone's remembering your vits, protein and wat er!!!
I'll update on Cira after I speak with her!
Wow, sounds like you had your hands full yesterday!
Target was your escape and cardio! LOL Love the dollar isle there..hmmmmm I think Target is calling my name. Maybe a lunchtime visit? With my boss out of town until Monday I like to get out of here at lunch so I don't have to look at or listen to the nasty co-worker who likes to pretend she's in charge when the boss is gone.
At least I have a decent amount of work on my desk today to distract me from her grating voice, crappy attitude...etc.
Hope your dad is feeling better! He sounds just like my dad when he's sick! Must be a dad thing LOL
Poor Cira, hopefully she is in a much better state today! Would have been great to see her yesterday but when you feel the way she was feeling....you just aren't up to company. Heather mentioned something about maybe going to see her after she is home. That might work better.
Remembering my vitimans and protein and working on the water!!!!!!! Have a great and happy day!!!! Tomorrow will be even better since you'll be in Annapolis! WOOHOO AND it's FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes'm, hands definitely full!!! What does that say that Target is my release? Oh, well, guess I'll take what I can get.
Oh, man, I know all about the co-worker from hell, except in my case, she's also my supervisor. Less time on the job than me, makes more $$$, you know the routine. Actually, mine is like Eddie Haskell - you know, he's always nice to The Beav when Mrs. Cleaver's around, but when she's not - look out!!! She wants the power, she can have it!! I just want to do my job and be left alone!!!
Yeah, my Dad's not the world's best patient. He's feeling better today - thank God for days when he is - he does my laundry! If I had to do my own clothes on top of everything else, I'd be coming to work nakie - and scaring folks!!!
Hope you have a wonderful day - TRY not to choke her!!! Although I have connections, so we may be able to get you acquitted!!!
Wow, sounds like your co-worker from hell and my co-worker from hell could be the same person! She wants the power etc. but it peeves her off that I have been here longer than her, have seniority and all that other stuff so she tries to dis-credit me all the time...hasn't worked yet! I'm still standing.
Hmmmmmm you have connections and a I asked a friend of mine if he would bail me out of jail if I slapped her around, he said yes....so my reasons for NOT doing it are diminishing LOL OK OK I'll be a little
for the time being.
Glad your Dad is feeling better. Mine called me this morning and left me a voicemail, he sounded a little tired but I haven't talked to him yet, we are still playing phone tag. He got his bone scan results yesterday and thank God the cancer has not spread to his bones. That was good news. He said they saw some 'spots' and have started him on some new meds but the outlook is still better than it could have been. I want him around for a long time!!!!!

Hi Tia
I feel so bad for your nephew ( B is your nephew right?) Did his parents apologize? Not to much going on today. I need to go get my fingerprints redone because they came back to me and they couldnt read them. I need them for my home daycare and of course my husbands came back fine. I was going to do it yesterday but the snow I didnt want to drive to Pikesville ( they have the laser and can determine right there if they are readable or not.) Maybe I will go Monday since my husband will be out of town. Hope you have a great day and thank you for keeping us updated on Cira
Morning Kelly -
Yes, B (Brian) is my nephew, my brother's youngest child (he's 7 going on 3). Nope, I didn't even bother going to his mother - the family is trailer trash, and they're moving today, so I didn't even bother. Plus, I couldn't get a straight story out of anyone, including B!!!
Where are you going to go in Pikesville? CJIS in Reisterstown Road Plaza or here at MSP HQ in Pikesville? Let me know. If I'm around, maybe we can do lunch!!
I'm telling you what, you have my undying gratitude for being a home daycare provider - no, thank you, very much!!!!!
Take care,
Hi Tia
Yes have to go to CJIS in Reisterstown. They have a laser one and can determine weather they are readable. Is what I heard. My husbands cam back fine and I did mine right before him. I guess the ink can be tricky. Yes I am thriled abou my daycare but everyone tells me that they applaud me for it. i guess I just have patients for other children. But lets see how I am with my own one day...LOL. Are you near the CJIS. If you are around i would love to have lunch with you. If you are close by there ( I am not to familiar with that area) I am going to go on Monday around lunch time like 11 am. Let me know. Talk to you soon
Well, CJIS isn't exactly in Reisterstown, it's actually Baltimore City. Not trying to scare you, but be careful, it's not a great area. My office is in the 1200 block of Reisterstown Road - so you would go north from CJIS.
I have to go to the dentist Monday a.m., but hopefully, I should be in the office by 12. I'll pm you my cell number and you can call when you're finished.
Hi Tia,
Well, at least the kids got outside yesterday, despite the dangers around them.
My kids stayed in the house all day and did NOTHING! They didn't pick up after themselves, think about something for dinner, nothing. Although Meghan is sick with a fever. So I guess I can't really fuss at her. She's home again today. Stephanie had a friend over so I knew she wouldn't do anything.
I am leaving work early today to do a "hot shot" photo thing. It's being offered through Curves so the sitting fee is $30. They will do my hair, makeup and provide some sort of fancy top to toss on. I get an 8x10 for the sitting fee. Of course they are hoping that we will buy more pictures. However, I am just getting the one for my husband to give to him for our anniversary. (coming in April) I think he would like that.
I have my wls support group meeting at Walter Reed this evening. I was really hoping to know by now if Tricare will pay for my plastic surgery so I can begin to either prepare or just put it out of my mind (if its too expensive) but the lady hasn't called Tricare yet. I am disappointed but trying to be patient. Don't worry, I am pretty good about being the squeaky (and polite) wheel. She will get a call from me regularly until she does what she said she would do. I asked her when she would know and she told me she would know something by last Thursday. I called her back on Friday and she was out of the office until today. I called today and still nothing. So I'll call again tomorrow.
Not to bad a day here at work. I have gotten a lot done. I am ready to go already! I should be able to leave on time thankfully. That doesn't always happen. One of my guys goes on vacation starting tomorrow for a week. It'll be nice to get a bit of a break. Maybe I can even get some of my to-list done for my work area.
Have a good day. Hugs, Robin

Hi Robin -
Yep, I'm glad they got to go out - they can be such little video game potatoes that I like for them to have some fresh air at least. Even though I like the cold weather as opposed to the hot, I'll be glad when spring comes so I can take them to the playground.
Believe me, there are times when I sit in the house, look around at everything that needs to be done and think, "I don't wanna!" So I kind of sympathize with the girls not doing anything. Although I suspect this may be their last snow day!!
That's a great gift idea for your hubby - and you get to get pampered a little to boot!!
I hope you're keeping track of whom you spoke with when as far as insurance for your ps, sometimes documentation really matters!!
Have a great rest of the day!! Hope to see you soon!