Howdy howdy hello!!!!
Hey everyone!
I know I had been a little absent on the boards lately but between work, a little bit of play and my trip to Ohio I haven't had as much time on the computer as I normally do.
Soooooooo a little update on me and I apologize in advance for the length of this post
I am an aunt for the second time. My bro and SIL has a beautiful baby boy on February 20th and I went to Ohio last weekend to meet him. He's 7 pounds 14 oz. and 19 inches long and they named him Patrick Jr. I'm so happy for them, he is their little
. While I was in Ohio I was able to visit with my sister which was awesome! She hadn't seen me since the end of December and we really enjoyed spending some one on one time together. As some of you know she gave me the most difficult time about my surgery and caused me a lot of heartache with her attitude towards me. I have to say that now she is one of my biggest supporters!
She and I even went to her gym and worked out together!
First time ever and I really enjoyed it. She was so funny, when she saw me she said "OH MY GOSH Heather! You have a jaw line!!!" LOL I wish she lived closer so we could do that all the time now but that just makes me cherish our time that much more. I have one sister and three brothers and the older I get the more I realize just how important our relationships are. Only one brother lives here in Maryland, the other two are in Ohio.
I am down a total of 91 pounds now!
I am totally amazed that this has happened and thank God every day for this gift and second chance. My energy level is through the roof and every day my confidence level rises just a little more. I am a little over five months out and can't wait to see what a whole year out holds!
I am working on my self-image. From being so fat for so long I know I don't see myself the way other people see me. Sometimes I look in the mirror and still see the 311 pound girl instead of where I am now. I really understand now that the mind is the last thing to catch up to the weight loss.
Work is going OK, still a little slow but that is expected in the auto business this time of year. The newsletter has been mailed out so now all our customers get to see my smiling face
representing the company! Myself and another girl were asked to have our pictures taken and a little blurb written and published in the newsletter. I'm glad I did it.
I'm doing good with protein and supplements just having trouble getting in my water every day. I really have to work harder on that. Exercise is not my best either but I'm working on that as well. I swear Kelly, I'll make it to the pool one day!
I hadn't thrown up at all in the last two months until last weekend
I ate too fast and too much and spent the next 45 minutes getting rid of it and feeling really crappy. Once again I am reminded to SLOW DOWN! I think that is my biggest issue, I still eat too fast sometimes and really have to check myself. That was awful and I don't want to repeat it!!! OK....if your eyes aren't crossed from reading this
have a great and wonderfully happy evening and rest of the week! Thanks for reading!
Take care and ((((((hugs)))))

Welcome to the world Patrick Jr! I haven't had a little one around in such a long time. Guess the next time will involve grand kids. Yikes! So glad to hear that your trip went good and that your sis has come around and is now over the fear and she's happy for you and the changes she sees. Sounds as if life is treating you well. Keep up the good work and slow down with that eating.
Heather i am so happy for you. You are doing great and you can see it. Dont worry about the pool. i havnt been in 2 weeks but it has been cold and last weekend I was at the ocean so. Congrats Auntie Heather. baby's are so much fun and i am being impatient for my time. I can totally agree with you on the head catching up with the weight loss. I have been going threw that for a few weeks. I look in the mirror and still see me 144 pounds ago. But when I look at pics I see less. I guess that will all pass in time. Well just wanted to say Congrats on your 91 pounds and I am so happy for you.
See you tonight
Thanks Kelly!
Just to let you know, you look amazing! You have come so far and what you have accomplished I know you are proud of and I am proud of you!
Well, I don't feel as bad now about the pool LOL but know I need to get my butt in gear and go! I love to swim so you would think it would be a no-brainer! I printed out a few pics today and have one of my albums with me to bring to I can really see a difference when I look at some of the pics, why can't I just see that all the time? Maybe I need to have one of them screened on a T-shirt to wear HEE HEE HEE See you tonight!!!!

Hi Heather!
I am so happy for you that your sister has come around to supporting you. That is great. 91 lbs in 5 months is fantastic!!!
It took me nearly 9 months to lose 90 lbs.
It truly does take awhile for our head to catch up to our body. About a month or so ago my daughter brought me a picture that I had taken about 3 years ago. I had a real "lightbulb" moment when I looked at that picture. I realized for the first time that other people do NOT see that girl when they see me now. Even after losing 100+ lbs, I still felt as if people were seeing me at 275 lbs. Where ever I went I thought that others still saw the old me, even though I see the new me whenever I look in the mirror. It's almost as if I walk away from the mirror and forget what I look like now. I would be in the stores shopping in the misses section and see someone looking at me and think that they must be wondering why I am shopping here because this fat woman can not fit into these clothes. Then when I looked at that old picture, I realized that, NO people do not see the fat woman shopping in the misses section. They see me, 106 lbs lighter, someone who belongs in the misses section! It's kinda weird. I still have to remind myself that others are not seeing me at 275. I don't know if I will ever be free from that, hopefully in time as I learn to live with my new self, I will stop thinking that others see the old me. And in time hopefully I will stop forgetting what I look like when I turn away from the mirror.
You are doing so great! Keep it up! I too get reminders of my surgery. The other day I tried to eat rice and 1/2 a piece of bread. I was
it up and then spent the rest of the evening feeling very icky! Will I ever learn?!
Hugs, Robin

Hi Robin,
Thanks so much! You look amazing and what you have accomplished is such an inspiration to me. Most of my old clothes I am out of now but a good example of the mental thing is I went to buy panty hose and stocking for work the other day. I bought the Just My Size brand stockings because that was all I could fit into before. Well, I have them on today and they keep falling down! Mentally I still see myself that way and shop accordingly. My sister gave me a few items when I visited with her, two pairs of size Large sweatpants and I told her I would be able to get into them eventually. She looked at me and said, Heather you can wear them now. I've tried on one pair and they fit! Same with the sweaters she gave me. It's a great feeling, just wierd! I do think in time we will learn to live with our new selves but I'm also thinking that that mentality will always be lurking because of so many years it was reality.
I think with the eating thing sometimes the
is a good thing....not really LOL but is a good reminder that we are not wired the same anymore. It keeps us in check and I know I need that sometimes.
Take care and hope you are coming bowling! Been too long since I've see you!!!!