Good Tuesday Morning Everybody!
Good Tuesday Morning Everybody!
How is everyone today? I'm doing pretty good myself. I'm in the office early today to get stuff done before getting out of here by 3:00pm so I can go home and get myself packed for my Hawaiian Getaway. With the weather forecast for tomorrow and the next day, I'm glad we're getting out of Dodge. I checked and the Hi/Lo for Honolulu for today is 80ish/60ish...alright!!!!
So how goes the eating, fluids, protein, supplements and exercise? I'm doing great on all counts except for exercise. Uggh...I'm still falling short with getting to the gym/working out. I guess when I stop caring, I'll stop putting that on the list...hehe.
For those new to the board, welcome. Share your stories with us and post with your questions. When we're not off galavanting around the Pacific or somewhere, we actually can answer with some useful advice...hehe.
I'm not sure I'll get back on here before leaving in the morning. If not, you all have a great 10 days and I'll check in when I get back.
Take Care & Hugs,
Hiya Terry!
I want to wish you and McMom a wonderful trip to Hawaii, Enjoy the warm weather and the men "eye candy" over there.
Take a few pics of the fun you are having make sure to share with us.
I will be wishing I was right over there with you guys having fun.
I am leaving to the hospital in a few. Well it is finally here and I am oroud to say that I will be a loser in 3 hours!!! Yay!!!!!!!!

Good Morning Terry
I am getting directions to your house so I can hop in the suitcase.....LOL. I have always wanted to go to Hawaii and one day my husband promises me we will go. He better or i will go alone...LOL I hope you have agreat time and take lots of pics. Have a safe travel tommorow and cant wait to hear all about it when you get back
Hey girl -
Please tell me you're at least partly packed? OMG! I would be having a serious meltdown!!!
80 degrees? I hate you. Just sayin'....
Okay, so - I'm pretty tired of you calling your friend your friend. I am your friend, and trust me, I would never think of doing the things that he's probably thinking of doing to you! ICK!!! Just sayin'.... I know, I'm bad, but I really hate that term when it applies to someone who's more than a friend......................................................SO,
I christen him........................................................................................................
Yes, I know, gag me, BUT it fits right in there with McMom, McSis, doncha think???
Anyway, like I didn't say it enough yesterday on your cell - have a wonderful, wonderful, relaxing time!!! I hope this helps to heal all of you, especially McMom, mentally. Please tell her I said to have a Happy Bday!!!! McRheb's will have something special waiting for her!!!!
SUNSCREEN!!! WATER!!! PROTEIN!!!!! MAN FOR TIA!!! (Just some things you shouldn't forget - especially #3!!!)
Love ya!!!!