Hey Angela -
I don't know that I was given a target to shoot for as far as liquid intake - just do what you're doing - keep that bottle with you and sip constantly. I even kept it bedside and sipped whenever I woke up. Yep, you're right, when you take too big a gulp, your pouch will tell you - and none too kindly!
Don't be surprised if you tire quickly after you've started walking - remember, you just had major surgery. But keep it up. I think if you do too much, you'll probably become extremely tired and weak feeling.
It's important to do both, though, drink and walk. Gradually, you'll get back to normal amounts of each, and the first six weeks or so will seem like a distant memory!! The malls, especially during school days, are a great way to get in that walk - plus, you get to see the new spring clothes you'll soon be able to fit into!!