My surgery on Wednesday (2/28) went off without a hitch and I came home yesterday!
I didn't have any complications during my stay either. I was up walking around a few hours after they moved me to my room. So far, so good and all has been okay. I FINALLY passed a little gas this morning so now I can start my pureed diet. Now I'm hoping my first BM won't be far behind.
I'm just glad to be on the LOSING BENCH!!
Angela welcome home. Traci posted something earlier tat she hadnt heard anything from you so it is good to see you are well and home. Walking will help the gas. The BM will be not as fun. Just warning you. If you have kids it is like there first BM. Sorry for such graphic talk but just wanted to share. Well our meeting is Thursday night and you might not feel up to coming cause you cant drive so hopefully you will make it to the next one. Just keep an eye out for the date. Take care a rest and sip and walk. Keep us posted
Tell Hubby not to worry. Figured that he was busy taking care of his wife. Glad to hear that all went ok and that your now "on the other side". Take it easy, don't stress about the numbers, and just concentrate on working the program. All will fall into place with time. Can't wait to see updates and WOW moments as they come.
Take it easy!
Thanks everybody!! I am really glad to be home and my "furbabies" are even happier!
I'm feeling pretty good in spite of the abdominal soreness that is obvious. I've got my bottle of water with me and I'm sipping all day. On Saturday while I was still in the hospital, I accidentally took too big a gulp of ice water (because I was extremely THIRSTY!) and that hurt. After that, I've been mindfull not to drink in "normal" drinks but to SIP! Now, when I sip, I don't feel it going down at all so I'm able to get in a little more. How much water should I be aiming for? Except for in the morning, I don't really feel hungry. In terms of actual FOOD, yesterday I barely ate anything. I was just THIRSTY, THIRSTY, THIRSTY!
This morning I'm going to have my first protein drink. I want to make sure I'm getting enough in. And I might even venture outside in the cold for a walk. But I don't want to pu**** If I'm feeling okay, how will I know I'm doing too much???