Hey girl -
Are all systems go (no pun intended!!!)? I know you'll be in good hands with DVR, I'll pray that God allows him (and you) a good night's sleep tonight and that he has strong, steady hands tomorrow!! Tomorrow is the first day of your new life!!
Tell Gino to keep us posted! Whoever hears first about Cira, please post and update the rest of us!!!
We're keeping your seat warm!!
Love ya,
Hi Tia,
I am sitting here miserable with caffeine withdrawals!!! I have a major headache that is turning into a migraine. I took that nasty Fleets phospho-soda at 3pm a little late and so I am sitting here waiting for the explosion.
Anyway I am doing good otherwise just not happy about my caffeine withdrawal and that is my fault I should have weaned off the coffee but I didn't have the will power. I am drinking chicken broth fruit 2 o, water and sprite and I am not hungry at all right now so that is good.
Thank you for keeping my seat warm I can't wait to join you and the others here.
Cara my angel will post an update. Mo, Kelly and Heather has my number and Gino's cell number is on my surgery page so if you all don't hear anything give Gino a call.
Big hugs to you! Tell Mom I said hello.