For the woman....
Hi Marcy,
My hair was thinning prior to WLS. Immediately after surgery it started falling out (I believe from the anesthesia). It really started thinning out noticeably between the 3-6 month mark. By the year mark it was back at least as good as before surgery. Like Mo, I believe my hair is thicker and fuller now than before surgery. I'm a fanatic about getting my protein and supplements in and make sure I get them everyday.
Take Care,
Hi Marcy
I have my hair highlighted through a cap. It's a one step color process, but like Terry I did mine right on schedule.
I lost a 'fair' amount of hair. It was noticeable to me. It has come back stronger and thicker than ever before though. I think it's because I eat so much better now. Hair loss is pretty much a fact of life, but eat your protein and take your vitamins and you will get through it.
Best wishes on your WLS journey.
Hugs, Mo

Hi Marcy
I am a hairdresser (well I used to work in a salon but weight issues made me get out but I still do family) you can color your hair. I colored mine right before and after. I started loosing some and stopped coloring it just because i was afraid it would get worse if I colored it. But I am getting it all better. It is not alot of hair loss but I notice it because my grandmother had thinning hair in front and my mom has it and I am starting to notice it and now really noticing it. But you are ok to color it. They say that when you are pregnant to.