A Little Frustrated...
Well, I'm new to this board, and I have only posted once, but I am a little frustrated and want to share.
I have been working on trying to get WLS for the past 4 months or so. I have been attending appointments, and getting paperwork together, etc, etc, etc... like everyone else has been through. I still haven't received all of my test results, and that is what is holding up everything to be turned in to insurance for approval. This is all fine and well... however, a girl I work with went to her seminar for WLS on Thursday, hadn't had any tests or anything yet, and they called her Friday and told her that they can go right ahead and schedule her surgery. She has no co-morbidities, same insurance I have... the only difference is the surgeon.
I'm really discouraged, because I am so anxious to have the surgery, and it seems like it is taking forever!! But she got a "Go ahead" right away?!? I don't get it!!!

Hi Kelly,
I'm sorry to hear you are having problems. It is often the surgeon and how he does things. When I had my WLS 3 years ago, my surgery date was scheduled the day I had my consult with Dr Sofronski and I only waited a few weeks to see him the first time while others were waiting months to see a surgeon. The important thing is that you are comfortable with your choice of doctor because this is a serious step in your life and you have to have faith and trust in your surgeon.
Best wishes as your WLS journey continues.
Hugs, Mo
Hang in there Kelly. It is very frustrating when others seem to move along faster than you. I agree with Mo. If you are happy with your choice of surgeon then stick with him and become the squeaky, albeit nice/polite, wheel.
You have to really push these people sometimes. Keep calling, go by the office to see if there is anything you can do to speed things up. Be very proactive! It's your health we are talking about so you should be very involved. I am sure you are being proactive. I am just reminding you that it is okay to be so.
The waiting is the hardest part. Keep coming here for support and encouragement.
Hugs, Robin

Hi Kelly -
You've already gotten some great advice, so I'll just reiterate what they said. But it is soooo hard to wait. But look at it this way - I was obese for 35 years, so what's another couple of months? Especially if it means that everything is done carefully and right. Don't worry, once the wheels move, they move pretty quickly, and hopefully, soon, you'll be able to join us on the loser's bench.
I was one of the lucky ones - I have Blue Choice - Carefirst's HMO, and literally had no problems. My surgeon's office, Dr. David von Reuden, was great, but I did stay on top of things, too, just to make sure I didn't get pushed to the bottom of the pile!
Hang in there - we're here for you!
Teresa (Tia)
That's funny, I have BlueChoice too.. but my surgeon's office won't make the request for the surgery to be covered until I have EVERYTHING turned into them. The newest holdup is from my PCP's office... I need them to write a letter with my diet and weight history. I'm hoping BlueChoice doesn't ask for a ton more.. I will probably lose my mind.