Monday Monday

Good morning all!!
Mo - I'm sorry to hear about the printer problems! That's always no fun, but for some reason there's always a problem when ever new hardware is rolled out. Software too for that matter! I work with the State Department and in January they rolled out some new software for our license applications and a week later they pulled it back and still haven't fixed the problems!! At least we had the old version of everything to go back to, so we're not dead in the water!!!
I was lucky to get up at 6:30 this morning! I've got a cold and it's not letting go of me...been sick since Wed last week. I haven't exercised in a week and I'm not planning on going tonight because I need to go home and get some sleep! Hopefully tomorrow I can get back to the gym and get right back to where I was.
High speed internet at home is one of my favorite things!!! My husband networed our computers together and we have a wireless router to go through which is really fast!! But you are right, I get bored faster than before!
Ok, off to work for me! Chat later!
This is on top of having rolled out a software release/upgrade in mid-January that we are still working the speed bumps out of!!! I have some 'happy' staff at the moment.
Hope you get to feeling better. I never thought I would be saying this but I miss it when I don't get my morning trip to the gym.
Hugs, Mo

Good morning.
We had a fun but busy weekend. The girls Fine Arts competition was fun. They didn't advance in their solos but did advance to nationals in their group Human Video. So off to Indianapolis in August! Several of our kids did really well. One of our guys advanced in every event he entered! We will be taking a lot of kids with us to Nationals. It should be a lot of fun.
Sunday after Church I went grocery shopping and then did a little bit of housework. Not enough, but then again, I feel that housework is a never ending job anyway.
I am sorry about the problems with the new systems. I hope you can get it worked out and that your customers are mostly patient. I know that can be really trying. I didn't officially work out this weekend but Saturday I was standing, walking, running all day. Thankfully I am feeling much more like myself. I was so tired last week but this week is better. By last Friday I was doing much better, although Friday was a very stressful day here at work. I am just glad that I don't feel like I need to sleep for another 10 hours!
Today is a bit busy here at work. But nothing like friday was. Whew! I am going to the gym in just a little bit to do abs and cardio and some machines. I really enjoy the abs class.
Have a great day!
Hugs, Robin

Hey Mo!
I had a busy, fun weekend. Spent Friday night and yesterday afternoon and evening with my "friend". He came over for dinner last night and got to meet my sister. I haven't heard any feedback yet
Wild Hogs was hysterical. We laughed pretty much from beginning to end. It looks like the actors had alot of fun making it. Had some surprises in it, especially at the end. It was worth the ticket price to go!
I'm busy here at work (came in here yesterday for six hours). I'm hoping to get in here early tomorrow so I can get out by 3 or 4 tomorrow afternoon. My friend is taking me out to dinner tomorrow night before I leave on my vacation with McMom and McSis Wednesday AM.
Well I'll try to get back on here later today or tomorrow, we'll's getting crazy.
Have a Great Day!
Take Care,

Hey Moie -
ICK! Sorry to hear about your 'puter problems!! That's enough to make you want to take a nap in the middle of the work day!
Oooohhh, I'm sooooo jealous - high speed! Lucky you!! Now Lefty can download those racy kitty pictures before you and Mr. Mo even know about it!!!
The party was great! Very family oriented and touching. Jim cried when he mentioned his Dad, who died last April. Very hard to watch, but he did well. We had about 70 people, the food was good and the program actually interesting. He received LOTS of plaques and stuff for his "I Love Me" wall. They appreciated my efforts, actually it was a labor of love for me since he's such a gppd friend. He and his wife gave me a dozen hot pink roses and a Barnes & Noble gift card! Very nice.
I woke up Saturday thinking, "Oh, thank God that's over!!" KB & I wanted to go bowling, but they had no open lanes until 5, so we kind of hung around and did some other things.
K's home sick with strep today and tomorrow - don't know what Wednesday's going to bring weather-wise, so we'll see.
Other than that, not much going on.
Nap??? I'll vote for a nap .. the energy that I get from the gym has worn off and I could sure use one ... oh maybe that is my normal need a nap after lunch feeling though.
The party sounds like it was nice. Much more 'controlled' than the one Mr Mo was involved with last month (with over 300 .. ). I am sure it made it that much more special that you put it together for him too.
Hope K gets to feeling better quickly.
Hugs & smoochies,

I survived the weekend by actually gettig out of bed. I did eventually get dressed both days. I did take cre of my car sunday, and do a little house work.
I wa able to leave work eary today, although I have to work on a resource guide this evening for a training tomorrow morning. I went and had my annual chest squeeze.. oh joy!! I also had a sonogram to investigate the ovarian cyst I seem to have. I came home eary, tried to take a nap, and am now enjoying some peace and quiet (despite the wind outside).