Crofton Support Group
Good Morning Everyone hope you had agreat weekend and fun in the snow yesterday. Just wanted to post a reminder about the Support Group meeting. March 8th from 6p.m.-8p.m at the Crofton library on Reidel Road. All are welcome pre, post and thinking about it. Hope to see you all there and have a safe and wonderful Monday.
~ I'm not sure what we will talk about ( althought it never seems everyone is on one conversations so if you have anything to talk about please let me know or if you have some ideas)
~ If anyone is interested in bringing drinks please let me know. Water and the to go packets of Crystal light or ice tea have worked well the past couple times.
~ I would like to think of a name for our group so any suggestions bring them with you. If you cant make it to the meeting but have a suggestion just message me and I will take it to get a vote.
~ I will be bringing the draft of the directory for you all to check your info. Anf the Next Birthday is Julie Roehm on 3/14. I know everone was asking so thought I would post it.
Hey Kell,
Hope your birthday in the snow was good. You'll have to make a trip to the Cheesecake Factory anyways!!!! LOL Hell, I'll go with you there HEE HEE HEE There is something I do want to bring to the table to discuss at our next group and I think there was something Margie wanted to talk about as well. Maybe we can also get a feel from people about the picnic in July. Hope you have a great day!!!!!!

Hi Heather
it was agood snow day Birthday. Just went to Applebee's then the store ( that was a mistake LOL) then came home and watched some movies so very nice and relaxing. I think were gonna go to the cheesecake factory when it gets nice and can do some other things downtown. So I call to order you and margie to the podium (lol) yes I do want to discuss the picnic because it will be sending out invites and rsvp and chipping in for the cost of the place (which will hopefully not be much) and bringing a dish. And the date because I know alot of people go away for vacations. Hope you have agreat day too and talk to you soon.
morning kelly, i am a little behind on reading the posts. been busy the last couple of days. i won't be able to make the meeting but well i have a suggestion for a name for the group. don't know if anyone else would like it but the first thing that came to mind was "the shrinking violets" have a great day. tammy