Our next outting!
Hey there everyone!!! At Timbuktu I was designated organizer of our next outting! Since this is the end of February I'd like to set something up for late March or early April. Would anyone be interested in a group bus trip? Maybe to Atlantic City or New York or something like that? I'm sure we'd need a good number of us participating in order to get a group rate. Let me know your thoughts

Hi Heather
That sounds like so much fun but I may have to sit this one out. I'm not sure were I will be finacially with the daycare and This week I stop watching my 2 little ones for good to get ready for my daycare. But it sounds like so much fun. I have always wanted to do a New York bus trip. Hope you have a great week and be careful in this icy stuff
Hey There Girlie!!!!
I'm all for a trip to Atlantic City. Never been there and if I remember correctly it's around $40 round-trip for the bus and they pick up in different places. New York sounds good too so I'm actually good for either.
Hope you had a good rest of the weekend and it was great to see you on Saturday!!!!!

A bus trip sounds good, but my pocketbook is going to be a little "light" through early May. From the looks of the other responses, it sounds like everybody likes the idea but we're all in the same boat financially for the time being. Perhaps we could plan a bus trip for later in season? July or August maybe?
Just a thought
Take Care,