Plastics Consult today
I just wanted to let you all know that I am looking into plastic surgery. I am 20 lbs from my goal weight. I saw the plastic surgeon today. We are retired military so I am going through our military hospital for the surgery. I initially thought I would have to fight for what I want done. Typically Tricare will only pay for a panniculectomy (tummy tuck). But my doc wants to do a lower body lift on me. He feels very strongly that this is what is needed. They will do a circumferential (sp) panniculectomy and hopefully have it paid for by Tricare. They want to cut all the way around my waist, doing the tummy tuck, lipo the outer thighs/hips and under my buttocks and then pull up and cut away the excess skin. I don't know if that will happen for sure but we are going to try. I am so excited. They want me to keep working for the next 3-4 months to lose to my goal (21 lbs to go!). I am to see them again in April/May to discuss schedules and insurance. I will have two docs working on me to keep the time in the OR down.
I can't believe they are going to try this for me. I sure hope that it will be paid for, or at the very least, mostly paid for. I have a call into the case manager to talk about getting approval from Tricare and finding out what costs there will be if any. I hope she calls back soon. I want to know so that I can plan for this. I really hope this happens. I am two sizes bigger in my hips than my waist. This make it really hard to find clothes that fit and don't have to be altered. I am currently altering all of my pants because the waist is 4-6 inches too big if they fit through the thighs/hips. I also told the doctors that the loose skin in my legs and buttocks is really uncomfortable when I am running/walking/biking or other exercises. When I do the abs class and we do planks on our side, the blob of skin hanging is so embarrassing and gets painful. I don't get rashes but it also hasn't been warm yet so I don't sweat a lot.
Thanks for letting me share. I'll keep you posted if this is going to work out.
Hugs, Robin
Hi Robin
I am keeping my fingers crossed for you. Hopefully it will work out and they will cover it. I understand the uncomfortable part. My inner thighs are really showing the loose skin. allthought no one else can see it I can and it doesnt make you feel to good to see it hanging. well hope you have agreat weekend and see you soon
Hi Robin!!!
Wow! That's awesome and I will keep you in my prayers that Tricare come through. You have done an amazing job in less than a year and you look amazing even without the plastics but I can understand wanting it done. I'll be right where you are by the end of the year. Never thought we would be excited about having surgery, did you? I know I didn't!
We'll miss you on Saturday but you'll be with your girls and I know that is something you truely enjoy! Take care and hope to see you soon!