Made it to the other side!
Hey guys
Well, I'm one week out from my surgery and wanted to let you all know that everything went smoothly and I'm doing fine. I'm having a little more pain than I anticipated, but thank the Lord everday gets a little better. I know that in a few weeks the pain I'm feeling now will just be a memory. I'm so happy to be on the losers bench; you guys sure kept my seat nice and toasty for me!
Take Care,

Hi Rachel! I am so happy that your surgery went well and you are now on the "other side!" It seems like just yesterday that we were in the orientation class together.
The pain was more than I anticipated also, but just getting out of the hospital made things better for me. There's nothing like being in your own home. I stopped taking the pain meds after 1 week.
I am just over 3 weeks out now and it gets better each day. I've already lost 20 lbs. Remember to drink all of your fluids and get moving...take care.