Friday Friday Friday!!

on 2/22/07 9:01 pm - Anne Arundel County, MD
Good morning everyone (that includes your lurkers ) I REALLY didn't want to get out of bed when the clock went off at 4:30 a.m. but I know if I start giving in to those those feelings I'll be doing it more and more often and not getting to the gym. I did a 30 minute cross country course on the bike this morning and a 5 minute 'cool down'. Nothing major on my calendar today, so I have a date with the billing supervisor to sit with her and do screen prints to put together a user manual for the new 'look' to our billing system. I've never done documentation before so this will be a challenge as well as fun (I hope!!!). I have the old manual to go by so it's really a matter of doing new screen prints and using the same written instructions .. or at least I hope it's that simple. By the time I get the documentation done, the billing clerks are going to be fine with the new system Verizon STILL hasn't gotten the FIOS cabling done to the house (actually, the cable is still on the other side of the road) so we've been canceled for our Sunday install again. The supervisor is supposed to check today and see if we have to move the RV for them to get the cabling done and we have been rescheduled yet again for Saturday the 3rd. I think we deserve to have a couple of months of free service for this since it's their fault not ours, but I'm not sure they see it the same way. I just won't know what to do with high speed internet I've never really minded the dialup, but since Mr Mo got his new computer he's been using my ISP and we can't both be on at the same time and that can be a drag at times. (specially when we screw up and both log on and earthlink dings me extra $$$ for dupe usage). I think I will need to keep my earthlink account to use with the cell phone when I use the laptop, but will see when I FINALLY get my FIOS. Since we are not getting FIOS on Sunday, we ARE going to the RV show in Timonium. We never miss an opportunity to look at new RV's. We are always looking to see what is out there and what we want in our next one. We will probably hang on to the one we have for a few more years and then trade up when we are ready to hit the road full time when we retire in 2012. Of course, there is always the possibility of a trade between now and then if we find something we REALLY like better than what we have. Looking forward to our Timbuktu outing tomorrow. I'll bring the camera, so I'll have even more pictures that I haven't posted yet!! Hugs, Mo
(deactivated member)
on 2/22/07 9:48 pm - Annapolis, MD
Mo! You could start using all those pictures you have on your camera for blackmail!!! LOL I know you have some of me I promise not to make any funny faces this time Soooooooooooooo looking forward to tomorrow at Timbuktu! Since my antibiotics really kicked in I am feeling 100% better and ready and rarin' to go!!! Very glad it is Friday. I missed most of Monday and all of Tuesday and Wednesday at work so it has been a nice short week for me. Of course I was totally slammed yesterday but was able to get most everything accomplished. Today should be kinda slow but steady. The car business is always this way this time of year so I'm used to it. Not too much else new and exciting going on. The company newsletter has been sent to the printers so it looks like that will be mailed out some time in March with my mug on there. LOL Myself and another girl are 'featured' in the newsletter, I'm glad it's not just me. She's been with the company I think almost 20 years and I've been here almost 9. It is a nice feeling though. Mo, when I heard the commercial for the RV show on the radio the other day I automaticlly thought of you and Mr. Mo. LOL I've never been to that one but I've heard it's a pretty nice display. Have fun! Have a great and happy day and I will see you tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~Heather
on 2/22/07 11:49 pm - Anne Arundel County, MD
Have been busy doing screen prints for the user manual here ... after a while you forget to screen print a step or you get to the next step without pasting the previous print into the document .. arghhhhh !!! That is when you know it's time for a break. See you tomorrow. Hugs, Mo
on 2/22/07 9:57 pm - Crofton, MD
Hi all, I have been incommunicado for a while but checking in when I can. Feeling a bit better since I got my first pain treatment for my bulging disc. Looking forward to seeing you all at Timbuktu but am not sure what time we have to be there. Somebody let me know? Julie
(deactivated member)
on 2/22/07 10:10 pm - Annapolis, MD
Hi Julie, Glad you are feeling better! We are meeting at 1PM at Timbuktu and you are with the Modispaw party. See you there!!! ~Heather
on 2/22/07 11:51 pm - Anne Arundel County, MD
Hi Julie Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. Hugs, Mo
(deactivated member)
on 2/22/07 10:24 pm - Crofton, MD
Good Morning Mo I think you should get some months free also. I'm sure they will do something for you since it is there doing not yours. My family loves the RV show. I went once when I was younger and we got stuck in a snow storm on the way back and it wasnt fun but the show was fun. Walking in all the campers and checking them out. My Family are big campers we used to all go together there was like 6 Familys but then everyone went seperate all of us youngins grew up and wanted to stay home of course no parents I definitly wanted to stay home and entertain my friends when mom was But we go everyonce in a while for 4th of july with my mom and stepdad but we took our dogs and my lab is getting older and she didnt take it to well with all the walking and driving. But I do plan to do it more when we have kids because it is so peaceful and fun. Well I hope you have agreat day and see you tommorow Kelly
on 2/22/07 11:47 pm - Anne Arundel County, MD
Hi Kell, We have a 40 ft Diesel pusher so what we do is not considered camping by many Believe me it's a far far cry from when Mr Mo and I used to tent camp. Hugs, Mo
Aime B.
on 2/23/07 7:09 pm - Baltimore, MD
I still have a tent in my shed. Maybe this year I will use it. I went to the RV show once beforemy divorce. It is amazing what they do with RV's. they are like traveling homes for sure. My ex wanted to buy one, but I was going to have to use it as my main travel source. I really didn't want to drive a huge "vehicle" to the PTA meetings etc every month. Aime
Aime B.
on 2/23/07 6:22 am - Baltimore, MD
Do you have Snag It? It is great for creating the screen shots for developing manuals. I used it to develop about 4 manuals and numerous resource guides. aime
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