No more strep here!!!!
Hey everyone!!
I am so happy to report that the throat culture I had done on Tuesday was negative!!! I am good to go yay!! Just 12 days lleft before my weight loss surgery. lol
I do have the scratchy throat still but I was told to take some antihistamine for the post nasal drip and I will be fine.
Have a great day everyone!!
Well, you might have to limit your contact with the grandbaby and all others until after you have the surgery. You don't want any setbacks. however, I know it will be hard to stay away so just make sure they wash their little hands in soap and water. Don't purchase that stuff you use withou****er, it only rolls the dirt up into little balls -- didn't make me or my hands feel so clean. I stopped using it and just stuck with soap and water.
Nadine you are so right. I will definitely keep all the little ones all cleaned up before I go hugging on them. lol
Man my hubby just got me a huge jug at Sam's club.. It doesn't work? I figured I use it everytime I finish getting in contact with everone here.
Thanks for the advice. I am so ready for the 6th I am getting a little impatient since it is my second time around approaching a surgery date. lol
Take care glad you are doing good.