Tables at Timbuktu
Howdy Everyone!
Since we have two reservations at Timbuktu figured the best thing to do was give everyone a table assignment so as to not confuse the people at the resturant. Sorry if this is sloppy or doesn't make too much sense....if I'm not feeling better by Saturday, I won't be there I got strep, went to doc yesterday and have my antibiotics so hopefully, keeping fingers, legs, toes and arms crossed, I'll feel better by Saturday.
Modell-Traci Lowery, Sue & Daughter, Robin Saxton, Margie B., Mo, Pat Spangler, Aime, Kathy, Shelia, Cira,
Modispaw-Kelly Wheeler, Tia & Mom, Terry M. & McMom, Stephanie, Julie, Kay, Kalisomer, Wanda, Linda Ingram, Julie
Ya'll have a great rest of the week and hopefully I will see everyone on Saturday!!!
I'm glad I didn't kiss you goodbye or anything Saturday! hehehe Hope you feel better and are able to join us!!!
People sitting at the Modispaw table (that would be me- Heather Modispaw): I have strict rules! We MUST have a good time and whoop it up in honor of the February birthday people and for Pat Spangler (bride of the year!!!) Other than that, let it ALL HANG OUT!
You are not the only one who is sick. I started to feel really bad yesterday and I feel worse today. If I'm not better by tomorow, I think I may go to the doctor for a throat culture and let him listen to my lungs. I had pnemonia last year and I don't want to get that again. I'm not sure at this point if I will make it, it looks doubtful and I sure don't want to pass this around. Sad - Linda
Ohhhh Linda no way!! I am so sorry you are so sick too!! I hope and pray that you can make it on Saturday. I was really hoping to finally meet you in person. I hope and pray you do not get pneumonia. Please take very good care of yourself.
Let me know if you went to see the doctor and what did he/she say.
I hope you get to feeling better really soon.