Good morning from Connecticut

Good Morning Mo
Glad you had a good weekend. Sorry you still have the sniffles. I thought I was starting to get them when me and hubby went to Walmart yesterday morning the sniffles started but then by the time I was home they were gone so i am keeping my fingers crossed and oping you get rid of tem quick. Glad the party was great. i had one for my mom about 2 years ago and it was like planning a wedding all over and I was by myself planning. My brother has no planning or decision making But it was great. Drive safely and see you on Saturday.
Morning Mo,
Hope you are feeling better soon. No fun to be sick...especially when you have a long trip ahead.
Glad to hear the party went well and that you were able to find a TV for the race. Wow...what a race. Too bad Martin came up short...but hey...I like Harvick just as well.
Take care, drive safe, and enjoy the day off!

Hi Terry
I am sooo happy to be home .. I can sniffle at home so much better than when we are on the road .. and I'm happy to be home with food I can control .. this was a horrid weekend for my pouch and there was a lot of 'rejection'.
We stopped at our regular hangout on the way in and I got a bowl of chili and it was so nice to eat something that my pouch didn't decide it didn't like. I like your idea of protein drink. I might go mix up one before I go to bed. I think I was definitely light on protein this weekend.
Hugs, Mo