Woo Hoo, my Ins Co. came through with the approval.
Uh...Uh Ins. Co. came through with the approval.
Wow...what an emotional ride. Paula called today and informed me that I had been approved for surgery by my Ins. Co. My first reaction was....COOL...all that hard work and persistence finally paid off. But that was immediately followed with OMG...I am actually going to have this procedure.
Don't get me wrong. I am thrilled to be starting this journey. But keep in mind, I have never had major surgery. The first time I was ever under any thing more than local anesthesia was my twilight sleep for the EGD about a week ago.
I am a little nervous about the actual operation...but heck...I won't even remember that part!
Well...I am supposed to get my date later today or Monday.

Hi Dave,
I am so happy for you!!! What an awesome feeling to hear that you have been approved. I was in shock and so happy I could not sit still for more than a minute.
I want to wish you all the best in your journey. It is always scary having surgery especially if you have never experienced it before. But you are going to do great!!
I can't wait to hear when will your surgery date be.
Best wishes!
DAVE!!! DUDE, you are SO ON YOUR WAY!!! Don't be nervous about being nervous. It is completely normal. As for anesthesia, it is THE best sleep I've ever had. I've been put under for an endoscopy, a D&C (for a miscarriage), and for my band. I was only intebated one time (for my band) and that was a little strange coming out when they pulled the tube, but it was fine otherwise. You will do GREAT!!! WOOHOO FOR YOU!!!