Happy Valentine's Day !!!
Good morning all
Well, it's a slippery looking day out there for a lot of us and some of us have worse than slippery it appears ... My office is on 2 hour delay, but I'm thinking of calling out period not so much of the weather but because I've got a borderline sore throat and stuffy head/runny nose. I really need to be in the office tomorrow and if I pu**** today, I might not make it tomorrow. They let us go at 3 yesterday afternoon and I was home by 4 .. sat in bed and watched TV for an hour .. changed the channel at 5 and never remember seeing anything again .. I was awake several times during the night but never long enough to bother me .. so I finally got up at 4 a.m. not so much because I was awake, but because my hip just wouldn't let me stay there any longer. I am thinking I'll go back to bed now .. and see if I feel more like going to work in a couple of hours!
You know I have to feel bad .. I didn't even THINK about the gym this morning ..
Be safe and stay warm
Hugs, Mo

Happy Valentine's Day right back at ya! I've been awake since 4AM, waiting to hear if we were going to be off or not. We are. Now wide awake and playing on the computer. Will definitely take a nap later. Woke up my daughter at 4:30AM. We leave here at 5:30AM and drop her off at school for drill team practice. Now that she's up - she's up. Hope you feel better. Enjoy your down day.

Good Morning Mo
No gym today for me either. It is yucky out there. Plus hubby took my car because he had to go to Gaithersburg for work today (which waking up to this weather made me mad he went up there) so he took my car so his truck wouldnt slide all over. So just hanging out in the house today. Gonna give the dogs a bath. Today is my yorkie's birthday and my 3 year wedding anniversary. She was born on our wedding day. When most brides cant sleep the night before because of nerves I couldnt sleep because my moms yorkie was giving birth. So of course I had to have one. Well hope everyone enjoys there Valentines day and if you go out be careful. Applebee's curbside is going to be our Anniversary/V-day dinner tonight. Resturants can be crazy and the weather to add on top. have a safe day and cant wait till Timbucktu.