Reminder:Meet at the Chat Room Thursday at 7pm!!
Hey Cira!
I might be able to pop in for a few tomorrow night. It's my normal night out and I'm supposed to sing solo
Me and Kareoke LOL pretty much sounds like a cat in a room full of rocking chairs!
But I promised
so I gotta. Maybe if I hide
they won't make me
but I keep putting it off every week so I don't think so! Hope you are having a good day and Happy Valentine's Day! I love what hubby did for you, that is so sweet!!!

Hi Sweetie
Power came back on about 9:30 last night. Mr Mo woke me up from the sofa and sent me off to bed! My hip might have been happier to stay on the sofa
I have arthritis in my hip and I think it's the cold that isn't helping along with being in one position too long (staying in bed for 12 hours Tuesday night).
Hugs, Mo