Monday morning!
Good morning
Well, the good news is it's not so cold as it has been the last few mornings, but the bad news is there's icky weather in the forecast!!! I thought of that this morning when I was at the gym, that I shouild probably have done strength stuff instead of cardio because I might have to miss tomorrow!
I did 30 minutes on the bike this morning .. level 5 .. on a random thing that was pretty intense!
I never did find my keys for the blazer last night, so I have Mr Mo's keys this today. THEN .. I was well on my way to work when I realized I didn't have my parking pass, but instead of turning around I just took a ticket and had it stamped when I got here. Some days ...
So far just one meeting today at 8:30 a.m. and then I can concentrate on getting through the stuff that piled up while I was working on my project last week.
Ok, time to get with it. Stay warm and have a wonderful Monday!
Hugs, Mo

Good Morning Mo
I so admire your dedication. I thought about going to the gym last night. Instead I went to Sam's Club and then went over to my "friends" house to watch a movie. Needless to say, I didn't get home until was worth it, we are hitting it off so well!
I've decided that while I do need to make exercise a priority in my life, I'm not going to beat myself over the head for choosing to spend time with my guy instead of going to the gym. He's great and this is something that I've had sorely lacking in my life (male companionship) forever. I will get back to the gym. I may just take a hiatus until after my LBL in May. Working out with the extra skin/surface fat is uncomfortable (and sometimes embarassing).
I'm hoping today isn't so busy here at work (although it's shaping up to be busy). I'll probably wind up working from home tomorrow due to the weather)...that's okay, I'll take it! Well gotta scoot, I have a 9:30 staff meeting and just realized it's 9:26.
Have a great day!

Morning Mo
You are right it isnt as cold outside. I got up and let the dogs out and didnt freeze just opening the door. Nothing big planned today. The Family i nanny for is on vacation this week so I am home. Just lounging then later on gonna go to the gym and do cardio today. I heard snow mixed with rain so it should be yucky driving weather. hope everyone drives safely whenever it comes and have a great day.