Need some help w/ my profile page
How do I add either a video or a music box to my page?? Do I have to resgesiter with one of the sites, in order to download, a video or music? I'm new at all this PC stuff, and I need some help and pointers?? Cira you have a video how did you do it?? Thanx!! jbug ?? Just trying to spruce up my page a little.
Hey girl,
How are you doing today?
What I did was that I copied the code and then I went to my profile in the my story area there is an edit button click on that, then a window opens up so you can type. On the tool bar there is a like a little square at the end of the toold bar that looks like a tree I think. lol I am blind. lol Click on that. Paste the code on the
Image URL or discription been a while back since I did it. Then click save and go back to your profile page it should show up then.
Let me know if you need further assistance. I will be more than happy to help you.
Have fun sprucing up your page.
Have a great day.
I'm doing okay, Thanx!! 4 responding, I will surely try what you suggested and let you, know my outcome?? How's every thing with you?? How's that strep throat?? (did i spell that right??) Your big day is fastly approaching yet again, I'm getting a lil nervous about my day, after my b-day next week , the 19th, on the 20th I have my final consult w/my surgeon, and then I have excatly one month?? Until my big day, and I'm counting dw. too!!
I am hanging in there girl. My kids are sick with strep throat and an ear infection now so guess what? I was feeling pretty good until last night my throat is hurting again. So I have made an appointment to see my primary care physician on Friday morning. I better get all these cooties out of here so I can get my surgery.
Hey my birthday is on the 17th. lol
I want to wish you the very best. One month goes by quickly.
Take care