It's Sat AM.. at 4:10
I'm wide awake!! I tired to go back to sleep for about 20 minutes, but realized that I was wasting my efforts. I came home yesterday and basically went to bed. I dozed most of the evening and finally went to sleep at 10. I think I have just been over tired, over worked, over emotional, and a whole slew of other overs... I guess I needed the sleep.
I may try to pull a Mo and hit the gym at 5 am. I haven't been since I joined. I could go at the crack of dawn, but that has been my only "me" time of the day lately. Teaching this night class has really been rough on my free time. It is one of those double edged swords. It is great pay for a few hours. I get to actually teach which is something I love to do. I think I am pretty good at it also. However, I get no free time to speak of on the nights I teach. The days I am off I am so tired I don't want to do anythig else. I will need to decide if I want to take on any other classes after this one finishes. They only called me to teach this one as they were desperate for a teacher. I keep thinking this will be a good way to fund my new wardrobe as I am dwindling in clothes left in my closet.
I hope to get my taxes done this weekend. My tax guy is supposed to come see me some time this morning. He isn't always great with being on time or punctual, but he can work those tax forms.
I wish everyone a wonderful weekend. I am hoping we will have some warmer weather this weekend. I'd like to stop hybernating. Smooches and hugs everyone.
Hi Aime, I've been up since 4AM. My roll as "Moms Taxi" takes off at 6AM, toting my daughter to her drill meet. I'm always an early riser now. Wish, just once, I could sleep in until 8 or 9 AM. That would be heaven! Sounds as if it's time for you to concentrate on you for a while. Sorry to hear about the relationship ending. As they say, one door closes and another will open. Take care, keep the faith, and make some good decisions that will make you happy. The gym sounds like a good idea.