Chat for Thursday Feb 15th at 7pm
I was thinking this Thursday Feb 15th meeting in the chat room 7pm?? I figure it would be goo to have the chat the after Valentines Day since we can have more to talk about. lol I am dying to know how Terry's date go on V Day!! Let me know if you all agree with this date and time. Have a great day everyone! Cira
By the way Thanks Mo for correcting me!!

Sounds good cira. I am excited for V-day too. It is my 3 year wedding anniversary and I am making a surprise dessert for hubby that I too can eat. I got the recipe from splenda. Its a white cake cut in layers with apricot preserves and strawberries in between each layer. Looked yummy and hopefully tastes yummy. He always surprises me with a romantic dinner at home when I get off work but this year I will be home all day and we will cook togeher but want to have a surprise for him this time. Have a good weekend
Oh wow have a wonderful time and I can't wait to hear all about it.
I want some of that cake I might just go crash your VDAY dinner plans. lol
Hey guess what my kids have now??? Strep throat too oh and an ear infection to boot. ughhhh we are just sharing some wonderful cooties here. Do you want some? I need them to leave my house so I can have surgery next month!
Have a great day!

Oh poor kiddies. I would gladley take the cooties away from you so you can have your surgery. But I have a mini vacation the first wekend in march so they will have to be gone. Nothing exciting just ocean city. Hope fully no more illnesses for you and enjoy your V-day too. Enjoy the big snow we are supposed to get this week too. Talk to you soon
Thanks sweetie really you will take our germies? Can we come over now to visit? LOL I wouldn't do this to you!! lol Thank you tho.
I have never been to ocean city I need to make it out there this summer tho!
Snow? What snow? I listened to the weather channel and they said some rain and then snow showers on Tuesday & Wednesday did you hear anything different? I love snow and so does my kids. If we get snow we can bury the strep germies in there. lol
Have a great day.
I teacher Driver's Education classes of all things. I walked in this place to sign my son up for his class. While I was there I joked with them about needing a teacher. They grabbed me up. The first 2 years, I taught every night class they had during the school year. I also taught a few special classes for students sent from DDA (Developmental Disabilities Assn). Mix in the adult learners and those from other countries speaking who knows what language, it has been interesting to say the least.
The class is for 10 nights lasting about 2 1/2 weeks. I had taken a year off when they called me desperate for a teacher for this session. I figured "What the Hell! I need clothes money anyway." and said yes. It was kinda fun to walk in the office to take care of the little things before I started and to have the Office Manager look up and ask if she could help me. She didn't recognize me at first.
I don't know if it is being 50 or the cold, but this one has been kicking my butt. I slept all weekend.