hunger cravings - 2 weeks post op
I've heard that during the healing process our stomachs do not register fullness or hunger. Probably head hunger. Try to get busy doing something else. Change your location. Get your hands busy. Anything to occupy your thoughts and distract them from the all consuming cravings. Aime has a good idea. Drink, drink, and drink some more. Best of luck.
Hi Pat,
I have to third what Traci and Aime said. Drink, drink, drink. I am four months post op and I do get hunger pangs but feel it is more a head thing than a true hunger. I drink fluids and it goes away. My nut said that could happen and that is what she suggested doing. I love that I had this surgery and would do it again in a heartbeat but it doesn't take away the head issues we all share. Those issues I am working on now and know it will be a long time before I have my head totally under control. Take every day one at a time, talk through your issues and I always remember I am not alone in this journey. This board, this site and the people I have met on it are a wonderful source of information, cheerleaders, support, and advice. Good luck to you and welcome to the Losing Side!!!