Snow day....
and I would have to be Essential Personnel.
I have to go to work. Darn it all. At least the phones won't be ringing off the hook today and I can get caught up on the piles of work on my desk.
I got the results of my CT Scan. Strange results- the adenoma hasn't changed so I have to see an endocrinologist. I guess they saw something in October they didn't like. I need to ask my PCP to just come right out and tell me his concern. I just get so tired of going from one doc to the next. I see this new specialist in mid-march.
Have a nice warm day everyone!!

Aime - If you wouldn't mind, could you let me know what a adenoma is? I think that is what was found one on my adernal glands when I had a contrast cat scan last summer. It was a routine cat scan to ckeck for gallstones and that is what they found. I have to go back in April for a followup scan to check on it. What is your situation? I sure would appreciate the information. Thanks, Linda