Thank you everyone surgery is cancelled
I have strep throat. I am a bit upset with myself cause I should have gotten checked before and I could have been on antibiotics for 1 week now and been ok for surgery.
Here's the blower I have been rescheduled for March 6th.
I am a bit bummed but I am thankful that I got checked out I can get the strep gone and hopeful everythign should go ok for next month.
Thank you all so much for all your support and responses to my previous post.
I'm sorry honey but like Mo said, everything happens for a reason. On the bright side you will be at Timbuktu!!! WOOHOO!!!! I would say come to group tonight but you should probally stay inside where it is warm and toasty and get well. Take good care of yourself and the 6th will be here before you know it!!!
Thank you Heather forall the wonderful support! Yes I am not upset anymore.
I had a major headache yesterday from the clear liquids and no coffee. Thank Goodness I did not take the phosphosoda wheewwww I would have been major pissed. lol
I will try my best to be at Timbuktu I want some of those famous crab cakes.
Hi Linda,
Thank you so much for everything. I actually went straight to bed and rested all evening and night. I do feel a lot better today. The throat is a little sore still but I can feel the difference with taking the antibiotics.
Thank you sweetie.
who has another 28 more until *My Weight Loss Surgery*